The Look On Your Face

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"Beckett! Come here! I'm FaceTiming C!" I shout. Beckett and I are currently lounging around our hotel room having just returned from rehearsal. I press 'call' and wait for her to pick up.
"Hey C!" I chirp when she answers. The first thing I notice when her picture shows up on my screen, is the background.
"Where are you? That's not your house, Sasha's, Jenna's, or Mindy's," I state. C blushes.
"Hey V, hi Beckett," Miles says, moving to see the screen.
"CARALISSA MARGRET CATO! YOU BETTER BE MAKING GOOD CHOICES!" I yell into the phone. C blushes bright red.
"Wait. You're name is Caralissa?" Miles asks somewhere off screen.
"No. And Margaret isn't my middle name either," C grumbles.
"Okay but real talk. What's going on between you to?" I demand.
"We're just friends V," C says through the screen. Suddenly, off screen, I hear a loud crash.
"I'm fine!"
"Oh my gosh, Miles!" C exclaims, dropping her phone. The screen goes blank for a few moments before C and Miles reappear on screen. C looks flushed and Miles' hair is standing on edge. It's at that moment that Beckett decides to join me. He looks at the screen in concern.
"Um. Did we interrupt something?" He asks. Both C and Miles turn bright red for the thousandth time.
"No! This goof decided to fall down the stairs," C responds quickly.
"Wait. You still haven't told me why you're at his house," I say.
"C is at a boy's house?"Beckett asks.
"He's showing me his new piano. It's really cool," C tells me, ignoring Beckett.
"So how are The Elites?" C asks, sprawling out on the bed.
"Amazing. There are all these great dancers and everyone is super nice," I gush, "I wish you were here though."
"Where are you right now? You have to send me pictures, everywhere you go," she tells me.
"Totally will. We're in Boston now, heading to DC tomorrow," I tell her, "How're things at Keaton?"
"Normal. Sasha and Jenna are attached at the hip, Mindy is hanging out with the sophomores a lot."
"So that's why you and Miles are gettin so close," I giggle.
"Shut up V!" She whines, "He might hear you!"
"Oh so you do like him!" I exclaim.
"What makes you say that?" She asks. I raise an eyebrow at her, but before I can say anything a hand appears, smearing frosting across my best friend's face. C's mouth drops open.
"I am going to kill you!" I can hear Miles laughing in the background.
"Why can't we be cute like that?" Beckett asks.
"Because I would actually kill you," I respond.
"My mom made cupcakes," Miles says to the screen, popping up seconds later.
"Miles, give me back my phone!" C says in the back.
"We see that," Beckett states, looking over my shoulder at the frosting now smeared on Miles and C's faces.
"I see you two are being very productive," I add dryly. Miles shrugs guiltily.
"Hey, if you're going to flirt with my bestie, you better not hurt her or I will castrate you," I threaten.
"Whatever you say V," Miles says as C grabs her phone back.
"Hey C, Beckett and I are gonna let you two continue on with your date, I'll text you later," I tell her.
"It's not a da-" she protests as I end the call. I look at Beckett before we both burst out laughing.
"Oh my gosh! What is wrong with those two?" I ask, gasping for breath.
"I would bet a lot of money that they'll be dating by the time we get back," Beckett says.
"Oh yeah. They'll be together be the end of the month I bet," I respond.

Word Count: 627

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