When It's Gone

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The bell above the door dings as Beckett and I walk in and from the corner of my eye I see Miles and C turn and look at us. Beckett and I pretend not to see them as we order our ice cream. We continue to ignore them as we sit down at the table with them and Beckett casually scoops a bite of ice cream into his mouth.
"You could have at least told me you two were a couple, I mean, C is my best friend," I say loudly as I innocently take a bite of my ice cream. Miles and C both choke simultaneously on their ice cream. I don't know how they managed to do it, but they did. Beckett looks up at me and frowns.
"They've only known each other for like, a day, and they're already doing cute couple things. Why can't we be like that?" He asks. I roll my eyes playfully.
"Because we don't want our gravestones to say 'death by ice cream' on them," I reply.
"We've known each other since last year," C splutters, red in the face.
"You've been dating since last year and you didn't tell me?" I ask incredulously, purposely raising my voice.
"You know if you had just told me you were dating my girlfriend's best friend, I wouldn't have thought V was cheating on me, and I wouldn't have hated you at the beginning of the year. Geez Miles, get on your game," Beckett adds. Beckett and I grin as we watch Miles and C grow more and more red in the face.
"We're not- we aren't dating," Miles says, flustered.
"Miles, it is oh-kay, you don't have to hide it anymore," Beckett says soothingly.
"So what was it that Durani wanted?" C asks.
"Changing the subject are we?" Beckett responds making C go red again.
"He just, wanted to talk about Juilliard," I tell her, trying to sound casual. C smiles.
"Oh good. I thought you two were in trouble. So, since we got cut short today, do you think you could help me practice my audition spot this Saturday?" She asks. I look at Beckett nervously.
"Umm. Beckett and I are helping Helsweel with a family thing on Saturday, could we rehearse tomorrow?" I ask, only partially lying.
"I can't, I'm shooting a music video for Hawks," She replies, "what about Sunday?"
"Uh, it's, a two day thing," I say nervously.
"That's fine, I'll book us studio time on Monday," C decides. I look at Beckett in panic.
"Uh Miles, you have to go to the bathroom," Beckett states.
"I do?" Miles says, raising his eyebrow.
"You really do," Beckett replies, grabbing Miles by the elbow and dragging him to the restroom. C looks at me with confusion written all over her face.
"Did he just-"
"Beckett and I are leaving Keaton," I state, ripping off the bandage.
"What?" C asks, blank faced.
"It's just until the end of the semester, I'll be back for third quarter," I tell her. C blinks.
"It's October V. Third quarter doesn't start until January. That's over three months. What could possibly- wait. This has something to do with Juilliard doesn't it?" She asks.
"We got accepted into The Elites. We're going to tour around the US for a few months," I explain. C looks down, ice cream long forgotten.
"You know I'm gonna miss you right?" She asks.
"You mean like how I missed you all summer?" I laugh.
"This is different. You're leaving me to deal with  Helsweel alone," she complains.
"My mom isn't that bad," Beckett says, coming back to the table, Miles right behind him.
"Wow. You just lied to our face," C and I say in unison.
"Hey! You two can read each other's minds!" Miles exclaims. I look at C, who bursts out laughing, with concern before making eye contact with Beckett who just shrugs his shoulders.

Word Count: 657

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