My Mind Won't Change

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"One more rehearsal day and then it's showtime," Sasha announces, entering the studio.
"Are you excited for your last show?" Mindy asks.
"Um, if it means getting away from Hell on Wheels, of course," Sasha replies.
"I'm seriously going to miss you so much Sasha," I tell him.
"Yeah, your pep talks are iconic," Mindy agrees.
"Aww, you two are kissing up to me because I'm a senior," Sasha jokes. I roll my eyes at him.
"Fine, I take it back, get out," I order. Sasha gives me a playful shove.
"Sasha what have we talked about? You're going to give C a concussion," Jenna says, walking over to us.
"How many times do I need to apologize for that?" Sasha asks. Jenna scoffs.
"I can and will lord it over you for the rest of eternity," she replies with a smug grin. Sasha just groans.
"Yo Sasha! What's good?" Jax shouts, strolling in. Miles is close behind him.
"Jax bro!" Sasha exclaims. I immediately turn the other way. Jenna and Mindy both give me sympathetic looks. I choose to ignore them as well.
"Look alive people!" Ms. Helsweel snaps, walking in causing everyone in the studio to jump.
"Only one day left, I expect nothing less than perfection," she tells us before listing off studio assignments.
"Ms. Cato and Mr. Lennox in Studio 1A," I hear her say. I immediately freeze before quickly raising my hand.
"Yes Ms. Cato?" Helsweel asks.
"Um, don't you think someone else should sit in on my rehearsal? To work out the nitty gritty details? Like Mindy! She could watch me and then rehearse her snow queen routine," I suggest.
"I suppose that will be acceptable," Helsweel says grudgingly. I let out a sigh of relief and Mindy gives me a nod of reassurance. After Helsweel is finished listing off everyone's assignment for the day, Mindy and I head out to the studio leaving Miles behind.
"Just ignore him, maybe he'll go away," Mindy suggests as we walk through the halls. I laugh.
"It's going to take a lot more then just ignoring him to make him go away," I tell her.
"Maybe he'll get hit by a bus on his way to the studio," Mindy tries again with a grin. I shake my head with a smile.
"I might be upset with him, but I wouldn't wish that upon anyone," I say with a laugh.
"So does that mean you still like him?" She asks, all joking gone from her voice. I pause before answering.
"I mean. Yeah, I still like him. I'm just confused I guess. And I think he needs time to sort things out," I reply. Mindy nods.
"I think I get it. It's like, you chose him, but now he has to choose you," she says. I nod.
"Exactly," I reply.
"Then why are you ignoring him? Shouldn't you fight for him? I mean if you really want something, don't you fight for it?" She asks. I tilt my head before shaking it.
"V asked me the same thing yesterday. But I don't think so. I already fought for it. I think it's time for him to fight for it," I tell her as we reach the studio door.
"So are you ready to play Clara?" She asks changing the subject.
"Ready as I'll ever be I guess," I reply. The door opens again and Miles walks in. Mindy and I both stand up and wait awkwardly for him to pull out his guitar and plug it into his amp.
"Let's just, take it from the top," I say turning away from him.
"Five, six, seven, eight," Mindy counts off for me before I begin the routine.

Word Count: 619

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