I'll Never Ever Stop

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"You're such a goof!" V squeals, attempting to wipe off the ice cream I just smeared across her face. Jokes on her, she just made it worse. I laugh as she glares at me.
"Beckett! Help me get it off!" V complains. Shaking my head in laughter, I help her wipe the sticky goo off her face. V scrunches up her nose at the feeling.
"Okay, we gotta take a picture for C," V orders. I roll my eyes playfully at her, every time we visit a new place, she insists we take pictures. V pulls out her phone and right before she snaps the picture, a glob of ice cream hits my face. V laughs as the camera captures the moment perfectly.
"You are so going to get it!" I exclaim, scooping up another spoonful of ice cream.
"It's you're fault! You started it!" V giggles as the ice cream makes contact with her face.
"Here, I'll help you," I tell her, licking ice cream off her cheek.
"Eww!" She squeals again. I just laugh, kissing the tip of her nose.
"Hey guys, they're ready for you two in hair and mak- yikes," Lena says approaching us.
"He started it!"
"She started it!" V and I say in unison. Lena just rolls her eyes.
"You two, I swear to the dance gods. Come on, Jonathan wants to see your duet one more time  before you compete so you two have to get hair and make up done now," she informs us. V and I follow her to the dressing room, mentally preparing for whatever lecture we'll be getting from the make up crew. As soon as we step into the room Terra and Dawn are on us.
"How many times do we have to tell you two? Save the flirting until after the competition!" Dawn cries, pampering V.
"Sorry Ms. Dawn," V says guiltily.
"Oh it's alright dear, you go and sit down now," Dawn replies. Terra also shoos me over to my seat before, none too gently, wiping ice cream off my face.
"Are you two ready to head back to school after this semester?" Dawn asks, raking a comb through V's long hair.
"Yeah, I miss all my friends back home," V replies.
"What about you dear?" She asks me.
"I don't normally stay in one place for long, so it was nice to stay out for once," I answer vaguely. Dawn nods and V reaches over to grasp my hand. The room goes quiet for awhile Terra and Dawn only speaking to each other once in awhile.
"Alright, now once I put this lipstick on Vanessa here, no make out sessions, understood? You'll ruin her makeup," Dawn says, looking at me pointedly.
"I'm pretty sure it takes two to tango," I reply with a smirk. V blushes and I give her hand a squeeze.
"Shut up," she mutters.
"Alright you love birds, get outta here! Jonathan wants to see you two," Terra jokes, herding us out of the room with a laugh.
"Vanessa, Beckett! Just the two dancers I've been looking for!" Jonathan exclaims as soon as we step out into the hallway.
"Both the solos have already performed, you two are on in twenty minutes, so I want to see the duet quickly," he tells us. We go over our routine once, Jonathan approving it with only a nod of his head before disappearing to find the rest of the Elites.
"Ready for this?" I ask, grinning down at V.
"Of course," She replies, smirking right back at me. I wrap my arms around her, pulling her in for a hug.
"Don't ruin her lipstick!" Dawn shouts before closing the dressing room door. I look down a V and we both burst out laughing.

Word Count: 630

Hi guys👋🏽, been awhile. I'd say I'm sorry about the late update, but I'm not. To be honest, I've been having a hard time deciding what I want to do with this story because some of you want me to put Miles and Carly together, some of you don't, everyone wants more becknessa and I'm just trying to make everyone happy so please bear with me for these next few updates. Also if you haven't checked it out already, my backstage Instagram account is @backstagecast.tv and I'm super excited about it. Thomas, Robert, Joshuak, Josh Bogert, Matthew, and Devyn have all liked and/or commented on a bunch of posts so if you wanna see what it's all about, you can go @ me😝

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