Long Nights

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"Wait so how are we going to fit all of us in this car?" Alya asks as we pull into C's driveway.
"I'm strapping Jax to the roof," I reply.
"Okay. Wait, what?" Jax exclaims.
"Kidding. You have to get in the back with the girls, C is riding in front," I tell him.
"Why does your girlfriend get special treatment? I'm your best friend!" Jax whines. I roll my eyes.
"She's not my girlfriend Jax. And you guys all know each other really well, C doesn't," I reply as C appears at her front door. I've never seen her out of a leotard and ballet tights, and she looked really good in her royal blue dress.
"Feel free to stop staring at any time," Bianca says from the back seat. I'm about to shoot back a reply, but C opens the car door before I can say anything.
"Hi Miles, hi- having that many people in the back of your car is definitely illegal" C states.
"Hush. It's only illegal if you get caught, now come on, it takes like twenty minutes to get to the theatre from here," I say. C rolls her eyes but gets in the car anyway. For the entire duration of the car ride, my friends sing along badly to the radio. Very, very badly. When we finally get to the theatre, C and I practically throw ourselves out of the car to escape the terrible, off key, screeching that is curtesy of Bianca, Alya, Kit, and Jax.
"If you proceed to sing like this during the musical, C and I are pretending we don't know you and you can all walk home!" I yell over their strained vocal chords. They all stop to glare at me before belting out one last verse of Ed Sheeran's Shape Of You.
"Kill joy," Jax scoffs as he exits the car. I roll my eyes at him as we all enter the building and pay for our tickets. We sit down just as the lights are dimmed and the curtain opens to the distinct 'Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba.' Lucky for us, and the rest of the audience, my friends decide against singing along with the actors on stage.
"That was iconic!" Jax exclaims as we exit the theatre.
"It was okay. The original was better," Kit says.
"What did you think C?" Bianca asks as we get in the car.
"I liked it, the dancing was pretty good I guess," C replies.
"So I was thinking Cold Stone," I say as we all pile back into the car.
"Why are we going to Cold Stone?" Alya asks.
"Because I promised C ice cream if she came," Miles replies.
"Wow Miles, you had to bribe a girl to go out with you," Bianca jokes.
"Ice cream," Jax says happily making everyone laugh. Cold Stone turns out to be only a few blocks away and when the car stops, we all jump out. Within minutes, C is sitting happily with her cotton candy ice cream.
"So I heard that you play piano," Bianca says, sitting down across from me.
"Yeah, I used to play when I was younger, but then I had to choose between dance and music," C tells her.
"Cool, so what made you choose dance over music?" Alya asks.
"Honestly, it was mostly just because V was my best friend and dancing with her made dance just a little bit better then music for me," she replies.
"Aww, that's so sweet!" Alya coos. I smile.
"Wait, I have a question now," Jax announces. I look over at him.
"Is Ms. Helsweel always a raging tiger lady, or is that just sometimes?" He asks.
"Oh my dance gods, you don't even know the half of it. I mean, my best friend is dating her son, so the fire is eased up a tiny bit for me, but oh my gosh she terrifies me," C responds.
"Ms. Helsweel is considered nice to you?" I ask in shock.
"Wait so Vanessa's boyfriend really is Ms. Helsweel's son?" Bianca asks. C nods her head in response.
"Oh my gods!" She whisper yells.
"I would die," Alya adds.
"Right?" C says in agreement.

Word Count: 702

AN: okay so it's been a few months and no one has said anything about it, SO in case no one has noticed, V and C's cotton candy ice cream addiction has actually been my discreet way of giving a shout out to The Cotton Candy Club which is a YouTube channel created by the actors who play Beckett and Aiden, (Thomas and Rob) on backstage. So if you aren't subscribed to their channel or haven't heard of it, I would highly recommend checking it out!💙💗
Also I have been considering making an Instagram account for backstage. So do you guys have Instagram? And would you be interested if I created an account?

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