Dance Girl

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"Fifth position C! I'm watching your feet! Pique! Pique! C'mon C, commit! Use your plié! Watch the port de bras. Ron de jambe and two and three and four," V yells into her phone, sitting across from me at our newly found ice cream parlor.
"V, people are staring," I tell her, looking around the shop.
"Not now Beckett! I have to fix C's sloppy, sickled feet," V replies, looking intensely at the screen in front of her.
"I can hear you ya know," C replies.
"Okay, whatever. You know I'm right. Here. Show Beckett your routine C," V demands, turning her phone to me.
"V your priorities are. Very weird. But you're cute and I like you so I'll let it slide," I tell her, watching the screen intently as C rehearses her routine again.
"Oh shit, V you're right. She does need to commit more on that pique," I agree as I watch the routine.
"Right?" V exclaims.
"I think you two have been spending too much time with Helsweel. Your coaching is starting to sound just like hers," C says, picking up her phone.
"Well, She is my mom," I respond. C rolls her eyes.
"Details. Anyways, have I told you guys yet? Yesterday, your mom made me Prima dance captain until you two come back, so, please come back. I didn't know how much time the Prima captain has to spend with the crazy lady!" C exclaims.
"She's still my mom," I remind.
"Beckett. I love your mom. But even I can admit she's crazy," V says. I frown at V. She's supposed to back me up here!
"Whatever. How's Miles doing?" I ask, purposely making a jab at C. She rolls her eyes again and glares.
"I don't know, why don't you ask him? And you're ones to talk. What exactly have you two been doing together in another country without either of your parents supervision?" C retorts.
"Okay you two, break it up," V interrupts, taking her phone from me.
"Sasha and Jenna told me you killed your Clara audition, who's playing the Nutcracker?" V asks. C shrugs on screen.
"Some grade twelve," she replies.
"How's the rest of the class doing?" I ask over V's shoulder.
"Okay I guess. The usual. How was your guys' first comp for the Elites?" C asks.
"Really good actually. Our trio took first, the solos took first and third, Beckett and I took first in duets, and the large group was first and overall high score," V tells her.
"Nice, we have a comp this weekend and Mindy and I have a duet and then there's the large group. Helsweel didn't assign a solo, and it's totally weird," C responds.
"Maybe she wants you to all focus on the winter recital," I suggest.
"Maybe, but it's really unlike her to not enter a solo, she gave us a duet and you two are the only ones she ever enters into duets," C states.
"Yeah, and I mean you would know, she's your mom, it's weird right?" V adds. I have to agree, that is kind of weird. I nod.
"I'll ask her about it," I tell them.
"Hey, how's it going working with the music program for the recital? I was super excited for that and Sasha and Jenna didn't say anything about it," V says. C's face lights up.
"It's so fun! You two would love it. Sasha and Jax are bromance goals and it's actually the funniest thing ever. Bianca and Alya have actually been super sweet, so that's great. They're getting along really well with Jenna and Mindy. Oh, and Miles has been working with me a lot, so, yeah," C lets out in a rush.
"Ugh. I'm so jealous!" V exclaims
"Right, says the girl traveling a different country with her boyfriend to dance," C responds. V leans across the table and takes my hand.
"I mean, he's pretty okay, I guess," she jokes. I roll my eyes playfully at her and she just sticks her tongue out at me.
"Eww, get a room you two!" C exclaims through the phone. V and I turn and stick our tongues out at her.
"Very mature," She says dryly.
"C you're late," a voice says, somewhere off screen. C turns her head to look at the other person.
"Oh shit, totally forgot I was meeting you today, sorry," she says.
"It's fine, hi V, hi Beckett," Miles says appearing on screen, arm wrapped around C.
"Sorry guys, gotta go," C says before ending the FaceTime. I look at V with a raised eyebrow.
"Is there something she forgot to tell us?"

Word Count: 777

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