Won't Be The Last

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"Miles! My dude!" Jax exclaims with a much too wide grin as soon as I walk into the classroom. I frown in concern.
"I do not trust that look. What did you do?" I demand. Jax looks at me nervously.
"Technically I didn't do anything," Jax starts. I stare at him.
"So you know TMK," he says, pulling out his phone. I grab the phone from his hands,
"What happened now- Alya and V are going to kill me." As soon as the words leave my mouth, Alya marches in, Bianca on her heels.
"And here it comes," I mutter.
"Explain," Alya demands, shoving her phone in my face. On the screen is the picture Jax took awhile ago. C is sitting on my lap, holding my guitar, and my arms are wrapped around her. The picture was posted ten minutes ago under Keaton's Kutest Kouples.
"Miles..." Alya threatens.
"Uh. Jax?"
"Miles!" Bianca yells.
"Okay, Okay! I was teaching C how to play guitar and Jax took the picture," I explain, "We're not even together."
"Then why did Jax send it?" Bianca asks. I look at Jax.
"I was trying to send a different picture and hit the wrong one! Then TMK posted it before I noticed," Jax says.
"Jax!" I yell. Alya rolls her eyes.
"I don't care if you're together or not, just know that, I like C, and if you hurt her, I will castrate you," Alya says.
"Yeah, and V isn't here right now to be the over protective best friend, so you get us instead," Bianca adds. I raise my hands in surrender.
"Noted," I reply as the girls take their seats.
"That went much differently then I thought it would," I whisper to Jax.
"Why? It's not surprising you would move on. Alya broke up with you again, months ago!" Jax replies.
"Thanks for that Jax," I say flatly.
"Alright everyone! Assignments for today, Alya you're in studio C for the Arabian dance, Jax in Studio B with the snow corps, Bianca you and Scarlett will be in Studio E with the flower corps. Miles, studio A, working on Clara's solo!" Park announces.
Everyone stands, dispersing to their various studios.
"Watch yourself," Bianca warns once more before exiting the classroom. I blink before turning down the opposite hall to studio A. As soon as I walk through the door, a point shoe comes flying at my face. I duck just in time for it to graze the top of my head.
"What did you do?" C shouts, pointing at her phone.
"Nothing! Jax is the one who took the picture!" I exclaim, dodging a second point shoe.
"If you want to be a couple, you could have just asked!" C yells back.
"If I did would you say yes?" I ask.
"I- That's not the point! You have a bad habit of showing up on TMK with girls you're not dating! Stop it!" C demands.
"I'm not the one sending pictures in! How is this my fault?" I exclaim.
"It's- it's not your fault, I just need to yell at someone!" C responds.
"Then yell at Jax!" I suggest. C  frowns and glares.
"I'm gonna kill him," she decides, beginning to storm out of the studio.
"Woah there!" I say, grabbing her waist, "Why don't we rehearse first, and then I'll help you kill Jax," I suggest. C frowns again.
"Fine," she agrees.
"Hey Miles, Carly-" Jax says, walking into the room.
"Woah! No! If you need privacy lock the studio doors!" He exclaims, covering his eyes. C lunges at him and I grab her again.
"What do you want Jax?" I ask, keeping my arms around C incase she tries anything.
"You left you phone in the classroom and V texted saying to FaceTime her ASAP," Jax informs me. I take a deep breath.
"Jax. Put the phone down. And run." I order. Jax does as told and as soon as the door shuts again, I rush over to my phone.
"Oh shit," I mutter as C looks over my shoulder. V and Beckett are both spamming my phone. I nervously open my phone before hitting FaceTime. The phone doesn't even ring before V and Beckett appear on the screen.
"Miles! What did you do?" V tells through the phone.

Word Count: 720

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