Forging Paths Of Fire

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"Are you two together or not?" I demand, shoving Beckett's phone into view. Plastered all over TMK was a picture of Miles and C looking a lot closer then 'just friends.'
"No!" Miles and C shout in unison. I sigh, handing ten dollars over to Beckett. Miles and C drop their jaws.
"V!" C exclaims.
"Oh don't pretend I didn't know about the betting pool you and Sasha were running on me and Beckett," I retort.
"Hey, and aren't you two supposed to be in class right now?" Beckett asks.
"Technically we're supposed to be rehearsing Clara's solo," Miles replies.
"Don't you only have like, a month left to rehearse?" I ask in concern. C grins at me nervously.
"To be fair, my choreographer left me alone with him," C says, jabbing a finger at Miles.
"Excuse you, maybe I'm a good choreographer! I know about dance stuff like those plichés," Miles retorts. C and I stare at him blankly.
"It's a plié Miles. The term you are looking for, is plié," Beckett says.
"Pft, minor details," Miles scoffs. I laugh, shaking my head at the boys' antics.
"Okay, you two actually need to rehearse! I want to see it from the pique arabesque combo," I order. C rolls her eyes at me and props up Miles' phone.
"Classic V, all about dance," she jokes.
"Go! I could use a break from all the Elites stuff anyway," I tell them. C rolls her eyes at me as Miles slings his guitar over his shoulder.
"She could clean up those chaînés right?" I ask Beckett as C runs her routine.
"Definitely," Beckett replies. A moment later, the door swings open off screen.
"Mr. Lennox, Ms. Cato," Helsweel's voice rings out as she slowly appears on screen. For a moment I don't think she'll notice us, but she turns to the bench where Miles' phone is propped, and I know we've been spotted. Beckett and I put on a nervous grin.
"Hi Ms. Helsweel," I say through the phone screen. Helsweel frowns and marches towards us.
"Beckett Bernard Bradstreet!" She exclaims, picking up the phone, "Just what do you have to say for yourself, traveling to another country and not contacting me. No calls. No FaceTime. No texts! Of coarse I don't blame you dear," she says, shifting her attention to me.
"What? Why isn't V in trouble?" Beckett asks incredulously.
"You're middle name is Bernard?" I ask with a laugh. Beckett scowls.
"It's cute," I assure him.
"Why aren't you mad at V?" Beckett repeats.
"Because we all know I'm the favorite child," I reply smugly. At this point C and Miles are standing behind Helsweel, watching our bickering in shock. Helsweel turns around with a frown.
"Did I tell you to stop? Let's go, we mustn't be mediocre!" She chastises. Miles and C shuffle back to the floor and Helsweel turns her attention back to us.
"Are you both working hard?"she asks.
"Yes," Beckett and I reply in unison.
"We've taken first in all the duets Jonathan has entered us in," Beckett informs her. Helsweel smiles.
"Good. I want Juilliard to know they made the right decision with you two," Helsweel says.
"They will. Everything is going as planned," I assure her.
"I expect nothing less of you two," she responds.
"So how's the winter recital going?" I ask.
"It would be better if two students wouldn't distract the lead during her rehearsal time," Helsweel responds. Beckett and I grin sheepishly.
"Bye Ms. Helsweel," I say, ending the call. I turn to Beckett and swat his arm.
"What was that for?" Beckett complains.
"You haven't contacted your mom at all?" I ask.
"I- I've been distracted," Beckett replies, defending himself.
"Really. By what?"
"You," he replies with a grin, leaning down to press a kiss on my lips.
"You're such a goof," I laugh.

Word Count: 646

AN: That awful moment when you're a senior with five AP classes and decide to update your book instead of do homework. ALSO in season two of backstage, another pair of characters makes a bet on a cannon couple and you can see money exchange hands. QOTD: which two students was it? Chapter dedication to whoever can name them first: )

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