Memories Rise

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"C! Your phone is ringing! It's V!" Mindy exclaims running towards me with my phone in hand.
"Answer it Quick!!" I exclaim rushing forward causing the tight ringlets in my hair to bounce wildly. Mindy hits receive before handing me the phone as V's face appears on the screen.
"Hi C!" V yells.
"Hi V!" I yell back.
"And Beckett!" Beckett adds popping onto the screen.
"And Beckett," I repeat with a laugh.
"What are you wearing?" Beckett asks scrunching up his nose, eyeing my pastel pink night gown.
"It's for the performance you pigeon," I tell him.
"How is everyone?" V asks rolling her eyes at her boyfriend.
"Good!" Sasha, Jenna, and Mindy exclaim in unison, appearing behind me.
"Hi guys!" V and Beckett say, waving at everyone.
"Is everyone pumped for the show?" V asks.
"Yes!" We all chorus.
"Ugh, I am so sad I'm not there for your last winter recital Sasha!" V pouts.
"You're gonna do great man," Beckett adds.
"Thanks Beckett, and I might consider forgiving you guys for missing the show if you bring me back something cool from America," Sasha tells them.
"Noted," Beckett replies.
"Kay, now I gotta catch up on all the tea, what's happening with Miles?" V asks. All heads turn to me.
"Um. What? Ya know. I don't really need that kind of distraction right now. I'm, just focusing on dance," I tell her. V narrows her eyes at me. She knows I'm not telling her something but she chooses to drop it which I'm thankful for.
"Yeah, boys are pretty useless," she says instead causing both Beckett and Sasha to protest.
"Oh hush Beckett," V says, pecking him on the lips.
"Eww! PDA!!!!" Mindy exclaims pretending to cover her eyes.
"You're time will come," Beckett teases through the phone. Mindy sticks her tongue out at him.
"Really mature Mindy," Beckett retorts.
"Oh my gosh Beckett. You're such a dad friend," I joke. Beckett glares at me while V just laughs.
"I wouldn't laugh too hard there V, we all know you're the mom friend," Jenna says. This time, it's Beckett's turn to let out a snort of laughter. V just scowls.
"It's because I had to chase after all of you for two years on crutches making sure none of you got yourselves injured!" V snaps.
"That's fair," Mindy agrees.
"Dancers!" Ms. Helsweel shouts, walking into the dressing room.
"Bye V and Beckett!" I whisper quietly before quickly turning off my phone and spinning around to face Helsweel.
"Everyone move along now! Let's go! No need to sit about! Heaven knows you all have things to work on!" She continues to fuss as she makes her way over to us.
"Ms. Cato and Ms. Cristinziano, are you two ready?" She asks us with a stern face.
"Yes Ms. Helsweel," we reply.
"Then why are you not in the wings? The show starts in ten minutes!" She snaps. We look at the clock and realize that she's right.
"Sorry Ms. Helsweel," we say.
"Well no point in apologizing, go! Now!" She orders. Jenna and I scramble out into the hallway and into the stage wings.
"There you are Carly, we've been looking for you everywhere," Azadeh says with relief.
"Sorry, lost track of time," I explain.
"Obviously, you're ready though right? You remember everything from the dress rehearsal yesterday?" She asks. I nod.
"Of course," I reply.
"Good, because you're on. Like now," she says, giving me a shove towards the stage. As soon as the stage lights hit me, everything seems like a blur. There's extremely little time where I'm off stage, but watching all my friends dance in full costume is super fun. The battle scene is one of my favorites. I don't know how Sasha manages to pull of the entire routine with a giant rat head on, but he does. Mindy's Snow Queen dance is stunning, and her duet with Jenna for the Arabian dance was beautiful. Before I know it, the curtain closes and Sasha, Jenna, and Mindy all run up to me for a big group hug.
"Guys That was amazing!" Mindy exclaims.
"Hey, Keaton on three," Sasha orders putting his hand out. We all follow his lead.
"One, two, three. KEATON!" we all exclaim.
"Hey, how you gonna stop us now?" Scarlett starts, emerging from the wing.
"Our hearts like a drum keep beating, you think you can run with us, but you never been to Keaton, Keaton, Keaton!" We all shout joining in until we're all laughing and shouting. While everyone is jumping about, I notice the Juilliard scout slowly begin to gather a small group of students.
"Sasha, look," I say, gesturing over to her.
"I bet she's coming to talk to you," he replies. I wait, but she doesn't approach me. Instead she walks out with six other students. I stand there frozen.
"Oh C," Sasha starts. I don't give him the chance to finish as I run out of the auditorium.

Word Count: 834

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