My Shining Heart

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"Yeah and then we all went to Cold Stone to get ice cream and all his friends were super nice to me, and then he dropped everyone else off at their houses and we sat in my driveway and just talked for like, an hour and a half," C gushes through the phone, practically glowing.
"Oh my gods C, he totally likes you," I say with a huge grin. C blushes.
"He's so sweet, but I think he thinks we're just friends," C replies.
"Well you like him right?" I ask. C blushes again.
"Well I mean, yeah, but you can not tell anyone," she responds. I laugh.
"Don't worry, the only person I could tell is Beckett, and I'm pretty sure he already knows," I reply.
"Okay, but do I just like, wait around for him to make a move or something? What should I do?" C asks. I shrug my shoulders.
"I guess it depends. I mean, you could always ask him out," I tell her. C shakes her head violently.
"What if he doesn't like me though?" She asks. I roll my eyes.
"C, he sat in a car with you for an hour and a half and just talked. I think he likes you," I respond.
"But what if he doesn't?" C asks again.
"Then just wait! Or ask him if he likes someone. Just be like, low key about it," I tell her.
"Okay. Okay, yeah, I got this," C says.
"Good. So how is Keaton doing?" I ask.
"A lot better since we're not it's keepers anymore," C jokes. I laugh.
"Okay but actually," I say.
"Sasha got his senior pics today. I keep forgetting that he's a senior this year and he's going to graduate. I got really sad. The Primas have a competition this weekend that I'm super nervous about, and then the winter recital starts a week and a half after that," C informs me.
"Well don't worry about the Prima comp, you guys totally got this-"
"Um, were you listening when I told you about what happened at the last competition? I swear there was fire coming out of Helsweel's mouth," C says, cutting me off.
"Well, now you guys have learned. I'm sure you'll do better, and are you getting excited for the Nutcracker? I wish I could be there!" I tell her.
"Hey, whatcha talkin about?" Beckett asks, collapsing onto the bed with me.
"Hey Beckett," C greets through the screen. Beckett waves before pulling me into his embrace, wrapping his arms around me.
"Kay love birds, keep it PG over there," C warns. I stick my tongue out at her before turning to give Beckett a kiss.
"Bet you wish you could do this with Miles," I tease.
"Ohh, so something is going on with you two!" Beckett accuses, "I couldn't get anything out of Miles last time I talked to him!"
"Shut up. And yes, I am excited for the Nutcracker, but suddenly I'm not so upset that you two won't be here for it," C says dryly.
"Aww, you don't mean that," Beckett pouts jokingly. Beckett and I stick out our lower lips and pout. C just rolls her eyes at us and laughs.
"Oh my dance gods, what are you two? Twelve?" C laughs.
"On a scale from one to ten," Beckett and I say in unison causing all three of us to burst into laughter again.
"Oh my god! You guys made me cry!" C exclaims, still laughing, as she wipes tears from her eyes. This sends Beckett and I into another fit of laughter.
"Ugh! I hate you two so much!" C complains, still wiping tears from her eyes.
"No you don't," Beckett retorts.
"You love us," I add. C rolls her eyes again.
"You're lucky I like both of you," she replies.

Word Count: 642

We made it to 1k reads!!! TYSM💙💙

So I've made an Instagram account if any of you are interested, it's basically just where you can go to find some of my edits and other thoughts on backstage : )
ALSO. What if I told you...

PLOT TWIST: Carly and Miles aren't going to get together in this book. Do you guys want Carly and Miles together or not so much???

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