Act A Fool

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"Sooo... You and Carly," Jax starts sitting down next to me.
"Shut up Jax," I snap, cutting him off.
"No, I like where this is going," Alya cuts in as she and Bianca walk into the classroom. I groan in defeat.
"Why are you supporting this? You didn't support it when you thought me and V were together!" I complain.
"Pft, that's because I thought you were cheating on me," Alya retorts.
"Yeah, now come on, spill the tea! I know you didn't take her right home after ice cream last night," Bianca pushes.
"Guys, nothing happened! We literally just drove around and talked for awhile!" I tell them. Bianca raises an eyebrow.
"Nobody gets that defensive if 'nothing' happened," Alya states.
"And just how long would you say you two were driving around for?" Bianca asks.
"I don't know! An hour and a half?" I respond, taking a guess. The girls look at each other, seemingly having a silent conversation.
"That's definitely not 'nothing,'" Alya decides looking back at me.
"What? Literally nothing happened. Jax, back me up here," I defend.
"Well, I mean, it kinda sounds like something. A little bit," Jax replies nervously. Alya gives me a triumphant smirk.
"Okay Miles, tell me, what exactly do you think of Carly?" Bianca asks.
"What is this, group counseling for Miles?" I ask defensively.
"Yes!" Alya and Bianca exclaim in unison. Jax just backs away from me slightly and I roll my eyes at him.
"I don't know what I think of her exactly. She's energetic and funny. She's always happy. And an amazing dancer. And she's really easy to talk to I guess. And she's attractive- and when she smiles it makes you want to smile too..." I say trailing off. Bianca and Alya look at each other again.
"He's in deep," Bianca states.
"Yeah he's a goner," Alya replies. I look between the two of them with my mouth open.
"They're right dude," Jax tells me. I turn to face him.
"How could you be taking their side on this?" I ask him incredulously.
"They make very good arguments," Jax replies, fidgeting slightly.
"I make good arguments!" I retort. Jax suddenly becomes very quiet.
"Oh come on Miles! What's the big deal? You like a girl, it's not like you're committing some kind of felony," Bianca groans.
"Yeah, I don't see what the big deal is. It's pretty obvious you like her," Alya adds.
"Isn't it too soon to be moving on?" I ask, avoiding Alya's previous statement. Bianca and Alya both roll their eyes.
"Oh my gosh Miles. Is that what you're worried about. Here. Why don't we find out. Alya?" Bianca asks.
"Yes, Bianca?" Alya replies, playing out the theatrics.
"Do you think it's too soon for dear Miles to move on from his previous relationship?" She questions.
"Why no Bianca! I don't think it's too soon at all. In fact I fully support it," Alya responds dramatically. Jax snickers and I swat his arm.
"What if she doesn't like me like that?" I ask, once again trying to divert attention away from my own emotions. Bianca, Alya, and Jax all let out a collective groan.
"I'm pretty sure she likes you like that Miles!" Alya tells me. I scoff.
"How would you know that?" I ask. Bianca rolls her eyes at me.
"No girl would spend an hour and a half, driving around town just talking with a guy she just considers 'a friend,'" Bianca replies. Alya nods in agreement.
"Well actually, Kit said-" Jax begins.
"Not now Y chromosome!" Bianca interrupts.
"Back to the chromosome reference," Jax huffs, leaning back in his chair.
"Just admit that you like her already!" Alya groans.
"Fine! I like C! Are you happy now?" I ask in frustration. Bianca smirks, holding up her phone to show me her latest recording.
"Very," She replies, looking smugly at Alya. I sit back in my seat and groan.

Word Count: 659

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