Chapter 10: Waterfall

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(Chara's p.o.v)

I speed walked all the way to my favorite part of waterfall, where the actual waterfall is and all the echo flowers. Frisk looked around with her mouth wide open then turned towards me and smiled, for the first time I saw her open her eyes it was a pretty golden color.

I was amazed how much her eyes added to her beauty "You have beautiful eyes Frisk." I said, she blushed "How come you don't have them open?" she shrugged "It has to do with my past, I don't really want to talk about it." I nodded "Well in that case," I gently grabbed her chin "Only open them for me." she turned cherry red.

"O-okay." I let go of her chin and said "Also, that's another point for me." Frisk frowned but melted into a laugh, I had a big cheesy smile on my face. 

(Frisk's p.o.v)

Chara walked over to get a closer look at the water, when he did I had an idea. I walked up behind him and pushed him into the water, "AHH!" he screamed as he fell in, I giggled. After a while I got worried because he hadn't come up yet "Chara?" I bent down to try and get a closer look, not long after I did Chara grabbed me by my arms and pulled me in.

Chara smirked as he lifted his hair out of his face, "C-chara...I can't...Swim!" I said, struggling to stay above the water "Shit!" Chara dove underwater and picked me up, when he was out he placed me on the ground "Hey, get up." he shook me a couple of times "C'mon Frisk, I don't know CPR!" Chara shook me once again.

"Frisk!" he said shaking me, I opened one of my eyes "Gotcha." Chara sighed in relief and held his head "That's not funny Frisk." I sat up "That's what you get for scaring me! It was only fair to scare you back!" I said "I guess your right." he got up "Well I think we should call it a day and head back to the castle, it'll take a while to get back though." Chara said and I nodded.

"Alright." I got up and squeezed my sweater attempting to get all the water out, Chara just took his shirt off I looked at him with a 'are you serious' expression "What? We need to get through hotland to get back to the castle, also my shirts all wet thanks to someone." I was about to say something but decided not to.

"Well then lets go." I said, Chara started walking and I followed 'Let's just hope this hotland isn't TOO hot' I thought.

((A/N gave us all a scare there Frisk X3))    

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