Chapter 11: Hotland

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(Chara's p.o.v)

Frisk and I started walking towards the entrance to hotland "Whoa, you were right. It is hot." Frisk said "Told ya." we walked past one of Sans' stations, that he wasn't at which I wasn't surprised. Then we came across "the lab" that Alphys works at.

"What's this place?" Frisk asked "It's our royal scientist 'lab'. Everyone knows it ins't though." I said, like on cue Alphys came running towards us "K-king Chara! I didn't k-know you were s-stopping by." I sighed and put my hands in my pockets "Well I wasn't planning on it." I saw a massive blush on Alphys' face, maybe she finally realized I didn't have my shirt on.

"Y-your majesty, y-your not wearing your s-shirt." she said, "It's too hot." I said plainly and Alphys nodded "Well we better get going." Alphys waved goodbye and we left.

-time skip-

(Frisk's p.o.v)

We met Mettaton robot that Alphys created, I thought he was pretty cool but Chara seemed annoyed by him. Chara and I ended up in this creepy lab, "This is the true lab, that other place wasn't where Alphys' really works." he said, "U-um, Chara what is that?" I asked pointing to this white blob coming towards us "What...The...Fuck." by that response I guessed he didn't know what it was "I think we should run." I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye.

We started running as fast as our legs could take us, Chara stopped running when we were far enough away and pulled out his phone "Heya kiddo, what's up?" Sans said through the phone "Come get us out of Alphys' hellhole of a lab!" Chara yelled into the phone "I dunno kid, I'm on break right now." Sans chuckled.

"Sans! If you don't get your lazy ass over here you will regret it!" at this point Sans burst out into laughter "Fine kid." he appeared right in front of us "Grab on." we did as he said and a bright light shone all through out the lab, after the light disappeared we were back at the castle.

"Thank you." Chara said "No prob kid." Sans said then vanished, "I'm pretty tired so I'm gonna go to bed." I nodded and Chara walked towards his room. As soon as Chara left Sans reappeared behind me which was pretty freaky.

I turned to look at him and he had a serious expression on his face "Listen kid, you need to be careful of Chara." Sans said "Why?" I asked, he flinched "Long story short, he's very dangerous when he's mad. So try to keep him calm at all times." I nodded and Sans vanished once more, I sighed and walked to Chara's room.

                       'What the hell could he mean by that?' 

((A/N Chara's dangerous?))     

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