Chapter 20: Curiosity

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(Frisk's p.o.v)

I was lying in my bed thinking until I heard knocking at the door "Come in." I said, I sat up to see Asriel walk in "Heya Frisk, I got a question for ya."

"Yea what's up?" Azzy walked to my bed and sat on the edge "I was wondering how you brought me back to life." That was a pretty easy question, that I knew the answer too
"Well Alphys and I did a lot of research on both human and monster souls, and learned how to create an artificial soul. We tried to create one many times but failed, we got lucky with the last one and well here you are."

"Since you brought me back to life can...You do the same for Chara?" I wasn't prepared for that question, I felt like I was about to cry, every time someone mentions him I break down.
"I've been thinking about that actually, but what I'm thinking may not work." Asriel had a spark of hope in his eyes "Please Frisk at least try."
I looked at Az and nodded, we stood up and ran towards the underground.

-time skip-

How I really disliked coming here, it's like every time I do I get flashes of the time Chara and I spent together like the time we first met, our blushing contest, the time in snowdin, and in waterfall, when everyone told stories of Chara when he was younger, him getting over protective, our first kiss, and when he died in my arms.

I couldn't help but cry at those memories, even though this time I tried to hold in the tears for Asriel's sake. I kneeled down next to Chara and brought out my soul, I hesitated for a second then broke the soul in half and shoved it in his chest, Az and I sat there and observed.

5 minutes gone by. Nothing

10 minutes.. Nothing

15... Nothing

20.... Nothing

I had started crying so did Asriel "I told you Az." he wiped away his tears and stood, "He would be happy that we tried. Anyway we should get going." I nodded as Asriel walked towards the exit, I kissed Chara's cheek goodbye and stood up to leave but I saw him twitch from the corner of my eye and stopped.
"What?" Asriel asked, I went back towards Chara and watched, nothing happened. I sighed and stood up once more then I heard a groan, I looked at Asriel and it looked like he heard it too, I looked at Chara again (it's only the fifth time you've done it) and this time I saw him reach for his head "Ouch my head is killing me."

I covered my mouth and cried once again, Chara looked at me and said "Greetings I am...In pain." he chuckled I pulled him into the tightest hug I could manage and cried into his shoulder, he hugged back and looked at Azzy and smiled "Heya bro." Asriel smiled at him and said
"It's good to have you back Chara."

"It's good to be back."

((A/N AAAAHHH THE FEELS IT'S TO MUCH!! The music makes it more sad/happy and I CAN'T TAKE IT))

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