Chapter 26: Halloween?

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((A/N I know it's not Halloween yet but I'm making it now so I don't have to later! Cuz I'm lazy also I had to use A.N.T farm, my childhood...If you don't like the song don't play it it's that simple!))

(Frisk's p.o.v)

Chara and I were sitting on the couch he was reading and I was watching TV,  he had gotten stitches under his right eyebrow dew to the fight with him and Mathew, he didn't really have any other serious injuries except some scratches on his jaw line.
Mathew was the one with the messed up face, he had a fractured jaw, a black eye, and a bunch of bruises.

I started thinking about the upcoming holiday and paused the TV, I sat up and took my legs off his lap "Hey Chara?" I called, he looked up from his book "Hmm?"
"What are you gonna be for Halloween?" he tilted his head like a confused dog "What's a Halloween." I laughed "You really don't know?" he shook his head no and I sighed, "Well Halloween is when people dress up as cool things and creatures." Chara seemed to be interested in the creatures part.

"So your telling me I can be anything I want on this 'Halloween'?" he made quotations with his fingers, I nodded and he stood up "Well do you know what your going to be?" Chara asked "Not really." I replied then I got an idea, "How about we go to the mall for some ideas, we could bring Azzy too!" I said rather excited, he laughed "Your too cute you know that, alright let's go get Az."

I lightly blushed and smiled, I went to go get Asriel as Chara went to our room to change. When I walked into Asriel's room he was on his laptop laying on his bed, "Hey Azzy," he looked up at me and said "Huh?" I giggled and said "Do you know what holiday is coming up?" he nodded his head excitedly "Of course I do! It's Halloween! I've been looking at pictures of what you do on Halloween and it seems really fun!" he said, I nodded "It is rather fun, me and Chara were thinking about going to the mall for costume ideas. Wanna come?"

Asriel practically jumped out of his bed "Yes!" I smiled and walked out his room so he could change. I was already dressed so I sat patiently on the couch waiting, after a while Chara came downstairs in a black T-shirt, ripped jeans, and tan timberlands. Azzy soon followed after wearing a green hoodie, tan shorts, and white converse,

I stood up and asked "Everyone ready?" they both nodded and we walked out the door.

-le time skip-

We were walking in the mall when Chara suddenly stopped, "What?" Asriel asked, Chara pointed at a store full of Halloween ideas along with a little anime, we walked towards it and as soon as we walked in Chara quickly walked over towards the "Tokyo Ghoul" section, I had recently got Chara hooked on that anime he had gotten so mad when episode thirteen of season three didn't come out.

Azzy walked over to the "Vampires, Wolves, and Zombies" section and I followed Chara, "Hey Frisk don't you think I would make a great Kaneki!?" he asked holding a costume, I nodded and smiled he rubbed his chin looking at me "Got it." he said, Chara dragged me around that section until he found a Touka Kirishima costume.

"Perfect!" I laughed and grabbed it, we walked back over to Azzy who seemed content with his costume so we payed for them and left.

((A/N next chap will be a continuation of this one, hope you enjoyed X3))

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