Chapter 39: Making up?

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Frisk woke but didn't open her eyes and as she laid there she felt an extra warmness around her waist, she took a deep breath and smelt and familiar scent. When she finally did open her eyes she saw Chara laying in front of her knocked out.

Frisk shivered a little remember the dream she had, what was that? She didn't kill anyone in the underground, so where did that come from?

Her shiver must've woken Chara cause he lifted his hand and began to rub the sleep out of his eyes, Frisk pretended to be sleep, therefore, she couldn't see what he was doing. Chara slipped out of bed careful not to 'wake' Frisk, he put on his jacket and boots then opened the door.

Frisk didn't give up her act of fake sleeping and stayed still, she heard him sigh then the door closing. What just happened? Why did he leave? Why did it get so cold all of a sudden? Frisk sat up, thousand of thoughts hitting her brain.

She hugged her knees and cried, this seemed to be a common thing now, she always cried when she woke up simply because Chara wasn't there. But today was different, he WAS there but because of the breakup, he had to leave.

Frisk hated this, she hated herself for saying what she did, wasn't she the angel that could do no wrong? "Breaking someone's heart seems wrong enough to me," she mumbled through tears, she couldn't take this loneliness anymore, she had to fix it.

Frisk climbed out of bed and ran over to her desk that had her jacket on top and shoes under, she put them both on then ran out the door, she slid down the railing causing some attention to herself, "Frisk where are you going? It's nine in the morning, we don't have school today." Asriel said, causing her to come to a quick stop.

"I'll be back, don't wait up!" she said not answering his question and running out, "I hate it when she does that," he mumbled.

Frisk ran around the city looking for Chara, it didn't help that they lived in a pretty popular one so it was quite hard. She decided to look for the places she knew he would go, first she went to Grillbys, not there. The beach? Nope. How about the Music shed? Nada.

The lake? Not there either, where the hell could he be? After searching the park Frisk sat down a bench feeling completely drained, she had been searching all day. It was now one thirty in the afternoon, she'd left the house at nine.

Frisk held her head in her palms looking at the floor, trying to hold back tears but failed as a few fell down her face, "Why are you crying?" she heard a familiar voice, a little too familiar. When she looked up Chara stood in front of her with a tilted head and a confused expression written all over his face.

He was about to repeat his previous question when he was cut off by Frisk practically tackling him into a hug, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Chara! I'm such an idiot for saying those things! A-and for saying you're a threat! I can't stand being by myself! Please...Please come back..." she broke down into tears and wasn't able to say anything else,

Chara stood there wide-eyed as he looked at her, he placed a hand on her chin making her look at him, Chara wiped away her tears with his thumb and smiled, "Don't worry, I'm not mad at you." he leaned in a placed a passionate kiss on her lips, stopping her crying completely.

Frisk was surprised at first but then kissed back realizing how much she missed doing so, the two kissed until they ran out of breath, when he pulled away she stared into his eyes that had changed but she didn't care anymore she just needed to be with him.

"So do we still have to stay with mom? I mean as much as I love her it might be hard to do certain things with her around." Chara said causing Frisk to giggle knowing what it was he was implying, "No we can go home, Amber will be happy to hear you back."

"Aye, my mini-me!" he said, they both burst into laughter and started walking back home arms linked tightly. Frisk knew she would never let him go again, even if it killed her.

But maybe it would.

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