Chapter 25: Intimacy

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((A/N IF YOU WANT TO STAY INNOCENT THEN DON'T READ THIS CHAPTER!!!! But if your like me and your innocence was gone a long time ago then enjoy))

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((A/N IF YOU WANT TO STAY INNOCENT THEN DON'T READ THIS CHAPTER!!!! But if your like me and your innocence was gone a long time ago then enjoy))

(Frisk's p.o.v)

Chara had me pinned down to the bed while we kissed, I felt the kisses getting rough meaning Chara was getting turned on, but so was I.
He moved down to my neck and started kissing I bit my lip to keep from moaning, that was until he found my sweet spot and roughly started kissing that area, I moaned louder than intended and Chara smiled "Enjoying yourself huh Frisk?" he asked, I nodded blushing.

We continued kissing and I slipped my hands under Chara's shirt taking it off to reveal Chara's tan skin toned chest with six pack abs, he put his hands on my waist while we kept kissing, he removes my shirt and starts unbuckling his pants when...

"Hey kid I got a-" he pulled back from the kiss to see who it was that interrupted us, Sans stood at the door mouth dropped, from what it looks like we got pretty intimate Chara was on top of me with no shirt, unbuckled pants, and I myself had no shirt lying there in my bra and pants.

"God dammit Sans!" Chara said getting up out of the bed, I covered myself with the covers as he walked over to the cock-block, "Heh sorry kid, I had no idea you two were gettin' FRISKY!" Chara rubbed his temples "Please stop, it's bad enough you already interrupted us. Now what do you want?" Sans suddenly got serious "Well your majesty you have a meeting with the king of the humans, Frisk as well." he said attempting to look past Chara but failed as he stepped in the way, Sans laughed it off and left.

Chara ran his hand through his hair and got back on top of me "I guess we'll have to continue this another time then eh?" I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck "I guess we will, but first." I pulled him into a kiss and we laid on the bed kissing, and yet another person walked in "My children-" Toriel started "Oh come on!" Chara yelled and I sighed.


Chara and I sat in the great hall of the human king's castle, Chara in his usual kingly attire a white formal button up shirt, black slacks and dress shoes, and a purple vest with the monster emblem on it along with his crown. It took a while for the human king to come and meet us and Chara was obviously not impressed, he soon arrived afterwards "Ah hello Chara, Frisk." I nodded and Chara groaned,

"You must be pretty unimpressed with me right about now, I was being held up." he said "By the way the names Richard, Richard Thompson." he extended his hand out to Chara "Well if you didn't already know, Chara Dreemurr and this is my girlfriend Frisk." Richard looked at me and smiled and I smiled in return, "I wanted to met with you two because...Well it's pretty obvious, some humans are not content with you guys being here." he said "Your right that is obvious but from what I've been told, it's been a whole year they should be content with the fact that monsters aren't going anywhere." Chara said slouching in his chair,

"You absolutelyright king Chara-" he was cut off by Chara putting his hand up "Please just Chara, I don't like that formal stuff." Richard nodded and continued "Well Chara like I said you are right, but I'm afraid there are some humans turning against laws to assault your people." Chara sat up at this "What?"

((A/N If you read this while you were still innocent...What have you done))

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