Chapter 22: School!?

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(Frisk's p.o.v)

Chara was asleep in his room so I decided to go downstairs and talk to mom, she was sitting in the castle's library so I walked over to her. "Hey mom." she looked up at me and I waved, she smiled and waved back "Why hello Frisk, I was about to come looking for you after I finished this chapter. But you came to me." Toriel placed her bookmark, then set down the book to look at me. "I know you and Chara are adults but,"

'Oh no, I think I know where this is going.' she looked at me with a serious expression and I gulped "No love making until marriage." I tried so hard not to laugh 'I KNEW IT! I knew she was gonna say that, classic goat mom.'  I thought.
"That isn't all my child." I tilted my head almost looking like a confused dog, she giggled and said,

"Your going to college."

"Huh?! Why? Are you sure about this mom, I-I don't think Chara is gonna like this. You know how he gets around humans that aren't me." she nodded "Yes I know, that's why I'm so happy that you and Asriel are going to!" I stared with my jaw dropped 'I don't remember agreeing to this! I'm pretty sure Azzy doesn't know either!' I had so many reasons to disagree with her choice but instead what came out was "I-uh...I don't-...Okay..."

Toriel stood up and clapped full of excitement, "I must go tell Asriel." she said then walked off. What did I just agree to...


I was sitting on the edge of the bed in our shared room reading a book, I heard soft groans and moving of the sheets, I turned around to see Chara sitting up wiping the sleep from his eyes "Morning sleepy head." he chuckled "Morning." Chara scratched his head, I just sat there and watched "What?" he said "Nothing," I then remembered what I needed to tell him "Oh! Chara you know how you go to high school and graduate when your 18?" he nodded "And how you have to go to college after that?" Chara tilted his head "Frisk where are you going with this?"

"Umm, goat mom said we should go..." he didn't respond just stared at me with a blank expression "I'm sorry say what now?" I repeated "Toriel wants us to go to college." Chara groaned "Frisk you know how I get around humans!"
"I know, that's why me and Azzy are going to." he sighed "At least I won't be by myself."

"Also she said, haha n-no love making til marriage." we both stared at each other for a while then burst out into laughter "Haha, I can't make any promises." he winked and I blushed then pushed him lightly "Goat mom didn't tell me when college starts but, all I know is that they have uniforms." Chara had a look on his face that said 'huh?'
"What do you mean a uniform?! Since when does college have uniforms?!" I shrugged "Jeez this just keeps getting worse and worse." I giggled "Aw come on it's not gonna be that bad."

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