Chapter 35: HATE

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Chara sat in his own thoughts, slowly going insane as each second past. The boy twitched and mumbled to himself, saying literal gibberish while looking at the floor. 

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He repeated, the boy was going insane and no one could stop it now, the HATE that ran through his blood was slowly turning him into a crazy, uncontrollable demon. Jay would come and check on him every now and again just to see how the progress was, each time he came Chara came closer and closer to forgetting his old self, which Jay seemed to like.

One day Jay checked on Chara and the boy was no longer mumbling to himself, he looked perfectly normal except for his eyes that shone blood red instead of their normal crimson.

"Hey Calvin, how ya doing bud?" Jay asked causing the demon to chuckle, "Never been better." Chara said his voice distorted and demonic, "As much as I like that creepy voice of yours Cal, ya gotta fix it. We can't have people getting suspicious."

Jay punched him in the throat and Chara coughed, "Speak demon." Jay snarled, his mood suddenly changing from calm to aggressive, "No need to be so hostile." Chara sighed obviously not bothered, at least his voice was back to normal.

"Whatever, c'mon get up. We have to get you back now." Jay untied him and took a couple steps back, Chara stood and rubbed both his wrists the demon then smiled creepily at Jay sending shivers down his spine.

Chara quickly grabbed the boy by his neck and squeezed it tightly, "Oh and Jay, if you EVER attempt to torture me again... I'll kill you." he said regaining his demonic voice, the nervous human nodded instantly and Chara dropped him.

The demon laughed evilly as he walked out of the abandoned building that he now realized was an old factory, Chara decided he'd make a couple of stops before heading straight home. He had to get rid of his urge to kill somehow.

(Frisk's p.o.v)

I sat in my room and looked at the floor like I had been for the last couple of days, the only time I left was to use the bathroom or get food otherwise I stayed in bed looking at the floor, the wall, or the ceiling.

Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Asriel, and Alphys were still trying to find Chara, Amber found out what was happening and came by my room to comfort me every now and again. I hadn't realized how lonely it was without Chara. I missed him. For the second time I felt useless, like I couldn't even help my own boyfriend.

Asriel popped his head into my room and I didn't even look at him, instead I stayed looking at the floor in my thoughts, "H-hey Frisk." he stuttered, no response.

"Uh, Amber and I were gonna go for a walk,"


"W-wanna come with us?"

I looked at him but still said nothing, I turned my head back towards the floor and ignored his question, Asriel sighed and walked in sitting next to me, "Come on Frisk, you can't trap yourself in this room thinking about him. It'll only make it worse."

".....Have you ever felt useless Az?" I asked catching him off guard, the goat boy went silent and I guessed he was thinking, "Yeah actually." he sighed out, "Then you know how I feel right now." Asriel placed a hand on my shoulder, "I miss him too Frisk, I also sure Amber does as well. But we can't sulk, we'll find him I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep Az, I learned that the hard way."

"I'm not, that's why I'm saying it."

I sighed and looked at him, "Fine..." Asriel smiled lightly, "Good, now get dressed so we can go." I nodded and he left, I could use some fresh air, I've been locked in the house nearly all week. I threw on Chara's black shirt that said 'idk and idc' in white letters, some tights, my brown boots then headed down stairs.

"You ready Frisk?" Amber asked, I nodded not really wanting to talk, Asriel started walking and we followed close behind.

As we walked I spotted someone with messy hair, a ripped tank-top, and some black jeans with blood on them. The closer we got the more this person looked familiar, wait a second.....Chara?!
I bolted towards the boy and Asriel called my name but I ignored him, I had to run to the other side of the street dodging near by cars and almost getting hit.

Once I got over to the other side I sprinted over to the boy and stopped in front of him, just like I thought, "Chara?"

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