Chapter 21: Future Queen?

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(Chara's p.o.v)

'My chest hurts like hell! I don't think should tell Frisk right now I'll wait til later'  I thought. Frisk Azzy and I were walking back towards the surface, I was kinda nervous to see everyone again I mean I did die, I wonder how they'll take it.

"So are you gonna be king again?" Asriel asked, I shrugged "Shouldn't you be king Az, your older after all." he shook his head no "I never wanted to be king, I was honestly thinking about passing it to you. But things happened and you became king anyway." I nodded.
I looked at Frisk since she had been quiet the whole time and tugged on her arm "Do you like being queen Frisk?" she smiled and nodded "Yea it's actually pretty cool, I thought I would work all day which I don't mind but," I smiled at her and her face went red "I'm rambling aren't I."

I nodded and laughed then kissed her cheek "I thought it was cute," Frisk blushed lightly and giggled "I'm glad your having fun because, well while we were in the underground I was planning on making you my queen." she stopped walking and looked at me "Really?"

"Yup!" she practically jumped onto me which I wasn't prepared for, luckily I didn't fall because that would have really hurt.

(Frisk's p.o.v)

'Ohmygosh! Isn't that kinda like proposing? I feel like he just proposed! I don't know but I'm super happy right now!'  I thought, I didn't know what to say or do but I'm pretty sure Chara knew I was over joyed. Asriel cleared his throat as if he was uncomfortable, "I don't mean to interrupt but it's getting late, and cold." I giggled and got off Chara "Your right we should keep going."

-le time skip-

We got back to the castle and I saw Chara stop, "What's wrong?" I asked "I-uh..How do you think they'll feel I mean now that I'm back." I was surprised and didn't know what to say "What do you mean?" he sighed "Well...I-I dunno I guess I'm just nervous." he wrapped his arm around me "Just forget it."

Asriel was the first to walk in he instantly went to his room, Chara and I came in after, luckily everyone was having a meeting in the great hall, so we walked towards it.
I walked in first and everyone noticed me rather quickly "Oh hiya Frisk." Sans said "Hello my child" said mom "Hey everyone, I have someone I want you to meet." I waved at Chara to come in.

He hesitated but turned the corner, everyone gasped and stared "Greetings guys been a while."
Toriel walked over to him and started crying and embraced Chara in a tight hug "Y-you were dead...I saw your body...How?" Toriel released Chara from the hug and he smiled at me "As much as I would like to take credit and say I rose from the dead," there were some giggles and laughs from everyone "I owe it all to Frisk." he kissed my cheek and said "Thank you."

I smiled and hugged him then said "I would do it a thousand times over."

((A/N YAY! Chara's back now I don't have to cry myself to sleep))

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