New story!!!

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Hiya! So ya boi came out with a new book called MazeTale, and if you can't already tell it's an AU for Maze Runner. Soooooooo if your a fan of that awesome movie (I mean who isn't?!) you might wanna head over there! Usually I would leave a link but I'm to lazy to do that, instead just go to my profile and find the story from there.

A thing or two about the story is, the first couple of chapters are gonna follow the plot to both Maze Runner and Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials. The chapters after that are all gonna be made up from my imagination so...Please don't hate me...Another thing is the book is a Newt x Thomas fanfiction, now obviously I don't ship them because well....I'M A DUDE! But my sister does and when she found out I was gonna make a fanfiction about it she wouldn't SHUT UP!

Aaaannnndddd that's why it's a Newtmas fanfiction and I'm so sorry if you don't ship them but at least go give me some views plz. Anywho! I'll still be continuing this story so don't worry! A new chapter will be coming out soon, I'll give a little preview because I want to make you anxious for the next chapter. I know I'm a terrible person mwhahahaha!


"Hey Calvin! Aren't you gonna come outside?" I looked out my window, I was wearing my bandages of course afraid of the same thing that happened yesterday happen again. I saw my best friend standing in my front yard, it's funny I call her 'best' friend because she's my only friend, every other kid thinks I'm weird or scary because of my bandages.

I hop out of bed and run downstairs then out the front door, "So what's up?" I asked she rubbed the back of her neck and smiled nervously "Well...Do you have the answers to the homework cause I wasn't paying attention." I made a 'ptff' sound then started laughing, "You really should stop day dreaming in class." she shrugged "I know but it's not my fault your always in my thoughts." she winked and I blushed a deep cherry red.

"Y-you don't just say stuff like that!" she giggled and I covered my face attempting to hide my massive blush, "It's pretty early but I was thinking heading to school now, wanna come with?" I scratched my head  "Uh sure why not." we started walking towards the living hell I call school.

I instantly regretted my choice because as soon as we got there I was pushed to the ground by my personal bully, the reason he's my personal bully is because he doesn't bully anyone else but the ten year old boy who is to weak to defend himself.

"C'mon Anthony! Stop being an asshole and leave him alone!" she said helping me to my feet, "Why do you hang around with this bandage freak? You can do so much better -----!" she rolled her eyes and dragged me away from them while Anthony just glared at me.


I walked home alone because ----- was picked up early, next thing I know I was pulled into an alleyway by Anthony and one of his goons. I sighed and stood there ready for whatever came next, "What is it? Ya know if ya wanted to talk to me you could've asked like a normal person."  he gritted his teeth "Don't be smart Calvin Rodriguez." I chuckled "I need to be smart though that's why I go to school."

He pulled out a gun and smiled like a mad man, my eyes widen and I take a step back. "Hey Anthony what the hell man!? I thought we were just gonna beat 'em up!" one of his friends yelled, "Shut up!" he snapped on him then looked back at me, "Cya Calvin Alexander Rodriguez." after that a gun shot rang out throughout the alley.

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