Chapter 1

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~this contains violence and depression also other things to.~

It was just a normal day of school for me of getting bullied and called mean names.


I try not to let them get to me but they always do. I don't know why they do this to me but they do. I did nothing to them. I get to my locker and open it to get my books out for math only to have it slammed. I turn to see who slammed my locker and come face to face with my bully Stacy. "What do want!" "Oh look she's trying to be brave."I look behind her to see her little group of friends."Listen you worthless piece of shit don't you dare talk unless I tell you you can! Got it!" She said yelling at me in my face." Got it". I said to her. "Good". She said.

The day went by like every day of being called names and being pushed around. Then came lunch. As I was walking through the line I heard people talking about me. I pretended like I couldn't hear them but it didn't work. I had just got out of the lunch line and I was walking to my seat when I tripped. I fell right on to my lunch tray of sloppy joe. I started to get up but was only to be pushed done again by the jock of school. He's also known as Stacy's boyfriend. "Listen hear don't you dare talk back to my girlfriend ever again"! "Your so stupid and your going to get it after school"! I looked up just as he was walking away. I got up slowly only to be face to face with Stacy.

"Awwww the poor little girl is crying". "Hahaha I think you need to get cleaned up so let us help you". I knew what she was going to do next was not going to be good. I then felt cold mike being pored over my head. I looked up and every body was laughing at me. I ran out of the lunch room to the bathroom. After I cleaned up I went to my next class.

The day was over and I was so glad to get out of there. As I was walking down the street I heard footsteps behind me. I looked behind me and saw Stacy and her friends. I then started to run which was a bad idea because I was pushed to the ground. I looked up to see Stacy's boyfriend John. He then started to pull me by my hair into an ally. I looked up to see his friends and Stacy's friends."Stand up"! I stood up to only be pushed in to the brick wall . I was then pinned to the wall by John's friends . He then started to punch and kick me. Stacy and her friends just laughed at me. By the time he was done I was laying on the ground crying and in a lot of pain. "Your a worthless piece of shit! Nobody wants you here just go kill your self!" He said yelling at me. Then he came up to me and kicked me in the side before leaving.

When I got home I was 2 hours late but it didn't matter my Aunt wasn't home yet. I made my way up to my room and sat down on my bed.

Now let me tell you about myself .... I'm 17 I live with my aunt in Florida I have medium length hair that has waves in it which I love my hair! I have light brown eyes and dark brown hair. If you don't know my names Winter smith. I know it's like the season . I'm 5,8....yeah I'm kinda tall. But that's all about me for now.

I got off of my bed to go to the bathroom to see how I looked. As I pulled up my shirt my whole stomach was purple and blue. At least my face didn't have bruises so my aunt won't worry. As I walked out of my bathroom my aunt came into my room to tell me she was home. After she left the room I laid on my bed and slowly fell into complete darkness.

My horrible day was over.

{hey this is my first book so please be nice. Sorry if its not really good I'm not a very good writer. But I hope you enjoyed it and ill try my best to update often.}

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