Chapter 12 He's free

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I opened my eyes to see Niall pacing back and forth with a bag of chips in his hands. "What are you doing?" He looked at me for a minute then he started to smile. "Why are you smiling?" I asked him as he kept on smiling at me.

" Im just glad your awake you've been passed out for a day."

" what did I miss?"

"We'll we've been on the tour bus for a few hours. We're going to a airport and were going to fly out to Harry's house and stay there a few weeks."


"Just because we want to and we can."

"Oh well I'm going to go back to sleep because my head hurts."

"Ok goodnight Winter."

I then slowly fell asleep.

I got all of my bags from the tour bus and headed towards Harry's house. We had just arrived a few minutes ago at his house. I slowly made my way to his big house. I walked inside and it was really pretty. "Um hey your room is just up those stairs and then you take a left and walk to the second door."

"Ok thanks Harry."

I said right when he walked off. I made my way up the stairs and to the left and now I was standing in front of the door. I opened it and it was beautiful. There was a queen size bed in the middle with a tv in front of the bed. There was also a dresser in front of the bed. There was 2 nightstands, one one each side of the bed. Also there were 2 doors, one was right beside the tv and dresser. I opened it and there was a big bathroom with a shower and bathtub. It was really nice. I came out of the bathroom and walked to the second door across the room. I opened it and there was a huge walk in closet. It was awesome. This was going to be a fun stay.

That night I had a hard time sleeping but I soon fell into darkness.


"Hi miss Winter, how are you?"

"I've been better. So um why did you call me up here?"

"We'll it's about the guy that killed your parents."

"What about him?"

"I'm so sorry but somehow he escaped and he left a note for you."

"Oh my gosh!"

"Do want to see the note?"

"Yes please."


Hello my dear Winter, if your reading this then you know that I've escaped. I just wanted to tell you that I'm not going to stop till I find you. You will be mine someday. Nobody will get in my way. So till we meet again my sweet Winter.- J

*end of note*

I through the note down and ran out of the room and all the way home.

* end of flashback *

I woke up with sweat on my forehead and I was breathing really heavy. I looked at my phone and realized I had a text from a unknown number. I opened up the text and screamed.

{ a cliffhanger! I wonder why she screamed?

I'll be putting up a new chapter soon. Also go check out my other book called " Gone Missing". Hope your liking it. Bye } :)

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