Chapter 7 Calling home

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Before I got on the private jet I called my aunt.

"Hey Auntie why didn't you tell me I was going on tour with One Direction?"

"We'll I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Then why did you say you were going to see me tonight?"

"We'll I wasn't going to give away the surprise."


"We'll I have to go now Winter but I'll talk to you later sweetie."

"Ok bye auntie."

I said hanging up before she could answer. I know it was rude but we had to leave. I stepped onto the jet and it was really fancy. In the corner there was a white velvet couch with a flat screen tv in front oh it. Then off to the sides there were 3 rows of 2 in each on both sides. The seats were also velvet that would lean back into a recliner and it had a small DVD player with a small tv. I sat on the left side with the window seat. Somebody the sat down next to me. I looked to see who sat beside me and it was Niall. This was going to be a long plane ride.

As Niall was talking about who knows what I started to slowly fall asleep.

*Niall's pov*

As I was asking Winter how she was she started to fall asleep. So I stopped talking and just looked at her. She's changed so much in the last 2 years. I wonder if she's still friends with Lauren? How's her mom and dad doing? How's she been? All of these questions ran through my head. I just want to get to know her again. I didn't mean to lose touch with her. It just happens because we were so busy. I kept on thinking all of these things until I fell asleep.

{hey sorry this was a short chapter but I'll be updating later on today. I hope you guys are liking my story. Also thank you everybody for reading my book it means a lot to me.}

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