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After bathing him, Josh helped Tyler out of the bathtub. From there, he dressed him in some pajamas that Jenna provided him.

"Josh, I-I really appreciate what you're doing for me."

"It ain't a problem at all." He replied. "I'm glad to help my flower."

Tyler smiled.

Suddenly, Jenna walked in. She was stunned at Tyler's pajamas.

"Wow Tyler." She said. "They look really good on you."

"Thanks Jenna."

"Do they fit alright?"

"Of course. I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem at all."

The girl turned to Josh; keeping the boy close to him.

"It's almost bedtime."

"I know." Josh said. "I just need to help Tyler get to bed, and I'll be in there in a bit."

Jenna nodded; walking out of the bedroom. Josh turned back to Tyler.

"Let's help you into bed."

Tyler laid his eyes on the bed. He wasn't sure to what to do.

"What do I do with the bed?" He asked.

"You mean in the bed." Josh said; laughing.

He walked over to the bed.

"First, let me take off the sheets."

Josh removed every bit of the blankets and sheets that were on the bed; revealing the mattress.

"What do you do with them?" Tyler asked.

Josh turned to him.

"You laid down." He said. "You know how to do it right?"

"Of course."

Tyler stepped onto the bed. But he didn't lay down. Josh chuckled.

"Here, let me help you."

He helped the boy into laying position. Tyler felt a bit funny, but he enjoyed Josh's warm hands going through him as his body pressed onto the mattress. It felt like heaven to him.

Then, Josh put all the blankets on top of Tyler. He adjusted his head to the pillows.

"Comfy?" He asked.

"Perfect." Tyler replied.


Josh got up and walked towards to door.

"I'll be in the master bedroom if you need me." He said. "Hope you sleep well."

"Thank you Josh." Tyler said. "I love you."

Josh smiled.

"I love you too."

He shut off the lights and closed the door. Tyler fell asleep immediately.

By the time Josh got into the bedroom, Jenna was already asleep. It didn't seem any different to him because Jenna was a good sleeper.

After turning off everything, Josh got into bed next to Jenna. He fell asleep.

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