First day

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Finally, a fresh start

You thought to yourself as you picked up your keys from your kitchen counter.

"See ya later Emmy"!
You sarcastically waved to your brown and white ragdoll cat who sat quiet and un-bothered on the sofa.

You quickly left your house locking your front door behind you as you carefully jogged towards your car which was parked in your driveway.

You decided to wear a tight black pencil skirt, a white button up blouse, and a pair of black heels. Your hair was tied up in a loose bun as you fumbled with your keys attempting to open your car door.

God I can hardly walk in these things!

You thought to yourself as you finally unlocked the door. Heels weren't really your thing but it was your first day and you wanted to make a good first impression.

Everything seemed to be going as planned. You were on time, you were feeling awake and alert,  the day was starting off just the way you had hoped.

Even the weather was perfect! Well, for you it was. Grey clouds hung over the sky like a thick wool blanket while light rain sprinkled down onto your windshield.

You loved this type of weather. You loved the sound of rain hitting against the windows while you drove, it was so calming.

People thought you were strange for enjoying this weather but it was so relaxing and peaceful, you loved every second of it.

Finally, you arrived at the station parking just outside before grabbing and opening an umbrella and walking into the building.

"Hello there, how can I help you"?
A female android greeted you at the front desk as you swiftly walked inside and over to her closing your umbrella in the process.

"I'm here for my first day, my name is Y/N L/N".
You responded while hanging the umbrella off your forearm.

The androids LED spun yellow as she searched remotely for your name.

"Captain Fowler is awaiting your arrival just around the corner here".
The android smiled pointing towards a set of small automatic doors.

"Thank you very much".
You smiled at her as you walked past the doors and into the station.

Many desks filled the room around you but it wasn't hard to spot Fowler's office. You could here 2 loud voices booming from inside, it sounded like an argument was going on.

"Really? I don't need a fucking partner for this Fowler"!
A deep voice yelled from within the glass walls.

"I don't care about what you want, it's what you need"!
Fowler retorted as you carefully walked towards the office door.

You saw the two men inside arguing. One you recognized as your boss and the other man was a stranger to you.

"You've already fucking banned me from outside missions for a whole ass week why are you punishing me even more"!
The unfamiliar voice yelled back at him.

"Next time don't come to work fucking intoxicated".
Fowler stated as you walked up the stairs quietly pushing open the glass doors of his office.

"I don't fucking need some ditsy ass assistant, she's probably some stuck up bitch with daddy issues anyways".
He argued more without noticing your entry into the office.

"Uh, hi"?
You waved politely to captain Fowler who gave you a warm smile. You quickly realized that the man he was talking to was your new partner,
Gavin Reed whom Fowler had already mentioned to you during your interview.

"Good morning miss L/N".
Fowler grimaced at Gavin who quickly turned to look at you. Gavin didn't even bother to apologize or even introduce himself. Instead he stormed out of the office mumbling curses under his breath.

"I apologize for that, Detective Reed doesn't particularly have a filter on him".
Fowler joked as the corners of your mouth tugged upwards into a small smile.

"It's fine, um what should I get started on"?
You asked nervously as your umbrella slowly dripped water onto the floor beneath you.

"Well Detective Reed is supposed to fill you in,
your desk is across from his over there".
Fowler pointed to a small area near the corner of the room.

"Thank you, I'll get started right away".
You smiled sheepishly quickly walking out of the office. Your high heels clicked the floor as you walked grabbing many peoples attention.

You made your way over to his desk as you placed your purse and umbrella down beside it.
He looked up at you, his grey eyes piercing yours.

"Hi, I'm Y/N L/N"

A/N: hey guys! This is my second fan fiction that I've wrote and I really hope you all enjoy it!! I'd love to hear any feedback and/or suggestions you have in the comments!

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