Time to get along

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Gavin was a jerk, he was rude, he was mean, but worst of all, he was kind of cute.

What the fuck am I thinking?

You tried to shake those thoughts out of your head as he lead you towards his car. You got in the passenger side as he turned his key into the ignition.

The 2 of you were silent for awhile, you didn't have much to say. There was still a bit of a tension between you and him in regards to the little fight you had in the station.

"So what's your deal".
Gavin finally broke the silence keeping his eyes glued to the road as he drove down the traffic filled streets.

"What's my deal"?
You questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, tell me about yourself".
He asked gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"I thought you didn't want to be friends".
You sneered crossing your arms across your chest.

"Well unless you want to sit in complete silence I suggest you start talking".
He bickered pulling his car into an empty parking spot.

"Well, what do you want to know"?
You asked him as he grabbed his coffee cup and took a sip.

"I dunno, anything"?
He shrugged placing the cup back down in the cup holder.

"Well, um, I'm 35, I enjoy writing and I like cats".
You said through a small smile.

"Writing? Really"?
He said in a sarcastic tone.

"Uh Yeah"?
You exclaimed.

He chuckled staring outside the rain covered window.

"Well it landed me a pretty nice job so who's laughing now".
You retorted looking away from him.

"Pretty great right, you get to spend all this time with me".
He announced smugly turning his head to look at you.

You teased tucking your hair behind your ear.

"So what's your deal huh"?
You asked him.

Gavin shrugged again thinking about what to say next.
"I'm 36, I also like cats and androids fucking suck".
He joked.

"What? Why do you hate androids"?
You inquired but he quickly shut you out.

"Ah no reason, they're just, annoying".
He looked away from you not wanting to talk anymore about it.

The 2 of you talked a bit more handing out the occasional ticket. You learned that he didn't always want to be a cop, he once dreamed of being a doctor but Androids quickly took that chance away from him.

He brought up his childhood a few times often mentioning his stepbrother which he only described as a 'whiny little bastard'. It didn't look like the 2 of them were very close.

And as you expected, he boasted obnoxiously about his love life being sure to mention how many girls he gets with. At least once a week according to him.

He of course asked you if you were seeing anyone which until about 3 months ago, you were not. You didn't need a boyfriend anyways, you were perfectly fine on your own.

after about 2 hours had passed, he brought you back to the station where you continued to work until it was time to go home. Gavin was actually pretty nice, he just liked to hide behind his tough guy demeanour.

As much as he claimed to dislike you, you didn't fully believe it. Especially not after he had asked for your phone number ; which you gave to him but only for work related purposes.

You left that night with a huge smile on your face, waving to him as you left the station. It was a pretty good first day.


You were exhausted when you got home, you sat tiredly on your couch as Emmy excitedly hopped onto your lap desperately wanting to be pet.

"Did you miss me today"?
You smiled at the fluffy cat who sat purring on your lap as your stroked her long fur.

Today was a good day

You ate some leftovers for dinner and quickly hopped into the shower. You couldn't stop thinking of him, the smile plastered across your face was unshakable. God he made you feel so happy but your smile soon disappeared when memories of your ex -boyfriend rushed through your head.

His name was Jacob. He was the perfect guy, he was smart, funny, enjoyed the same music as you, he was the ideal boyfriend. You remembered the time you spent with him, it was surreal. You had been dating him for 1 year at that point and everything was just perfect. Perfect until you caught him fucking another girl.

The thought of him and that girl still made you cringe. You gave him your everything, everything you had but nothing pleased him. You still remembered the day you left work early and made your way to the house you 2 shared.

You walked in with a handful of his favourite foods, it was your 1 year anniversary. But as you entered, you heard 2 voices coming from the bedroom.

You walked in on him and her laying in the bed together. Tears escaped your eyes as the water from the shower dripped down your back. He was so perfect yet so flawed.

Just partners // Gavin Reed x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now