In love

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A/N : smut warning!!

10:02 pm

You lay sleepily on Gavin's chest with your arms around him as he rubbed your back with his hand. The 2 of you were definitely drunk at this point. You were about ready to pass out.

You both had agreed to just talk now, to exhausted to heat things up. You really wanted to get to know him and it looked like he felt the same way.

"May I ask how you and Jacob met"?
Gavin broke the silence and he felt you tense up.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it".
He added not wanting to make you uncomfortable.

"No, uh it's okay".
You replied softy with your face still pressed against his chest.

"Me and my friend went to a party one night about a year and a half ago".
You started cautiously. You didn't really mind talking about him anymore, Jacob was gone from your life now. Gone like he was just a bad dream.

"I met him there and I guess we hit it off".
You explained as Gavin pulled you in tighter. His warmth engulfed you like a huge wave of water casting a spell of joy and happiness over you.

"You deserve so much better".
Gavin kissed you on the head sending butterflies to your stomach. He was right, you did deserve better.

"Can I ask how you and Rachel met"?
You asked him tilting your head up looking into his eyes.

"She was a friend of a friends, met her at a Houseparty".
He admitted a small frown appearing on his face.

Gavin was an interesting guy to say the least, he's had some hardships in his life, his step brother always outshined him, his ex girlfriend cheated on him with one of his brothers billion dollar creations, his dreams were crushed by androids, you understood why he was so rough around the edges.

There was so much more to Gavin that people just didn't see. He was sweet, kind, sometimes a nervous wreck, you were glad you took the time to get to know him.

The night went on until Gavin began to fall asleep beneath you. You originally started the game hoping to end up somewhere a little more, erotic but the simplicity of your current situation knocked sex out of the park.

You slowly closed your eyes feeling Gavin's chest rise and fall beneath you, best date night ever.

7:45 am Wednesday January 12th

Buzz buzz

Gavin's phone vibrated in the coffee table causing the both of you to wake up.

"Aw shit we have to go in today".
Gavin groaned.

"Five more minutes please".
You teased as you slid off of him. You winced in pain from the sudden headache you were feeling.

God I'm so hungover

"I have the worst fucking headache".
You whined attempting to stand up but ultimately failing.

"Woah woah"!
Gavin caught you under your arms before you fell over.

"Take it easy there cowboy".
He mocked while you tried to keep your balance.

"I'm alright".
You steadied yourself and he let you go.

I need some fucking coffee

"I'm gonna go take a shower".
Gavin's voice trailed off about to walk towards the bathroom.

"Care to join"?
He raised an eyebrow and you suddenly felt a thousand times better. You smiled and ran up to him kissing him passionately.

"I'll take that as a yes".
He picked you up by your thighs wrapping your legs around his back. You were certainly treading in unknown waters, unaware of what was going to happen next. You had never done anything like this before, perhaps it was time to try something new.

Gavin carried you into the bathroom planting hard kisses along your neck.

Those are going to leave marks

You smiled in pleasure as he sat you down on the bathroom countertop. He began to undress you and you did the same to him undoing each individual button on his shirt. He turned on a hot shower carrying you in with him.

You moaned as he pressed you up against the shower wall kissing you all over your body. Fuck this felt so good. You continued to moan louder and harder as Gavin proceeded to tease you in every way possible.

His kisses were long and hard, pulling at your skin surely leaving marks. God this was intense.

You couldn't lie to yourself anymore, you were in love with him. Gavin was your hero, your savior, your knight in shining armor. He had saved you in every way possible, showing you that anything was possible. As cheesy as it was, you loved him and everything he had to offer.

8:45 am

Gavin asked pouring himself a cup as you took a seat on one of the bar stools in front of his kitchen counter.

You responded sleepily as he handed you a cup.

You took a sip of coffee before a sudden thought popped into you head causing you to nearly choke on your beverage.

"Do they happen to have, security cameras in the station"?
You placed your hot cup onto the counter praying he'd say no.

"Yeah, why do you looked so worried".
Gavin responded but his eyes suddenly widened.

"Oh shit oh fuck".
He quickly drank the last of his coffee throwing you one of his jackets.

"Shit, Fowler always checks the cameras after weekends or days the station isn't being used".
Gavin motioned you to hurry up as he grabbed himself another coat. If Fowler were to check those cameras, he would've seen the 2 of you on Monday night, you would surely be fired.

"The fuck? Why"?
You panicked running out the door with him.

"Fuck if i know, probably paranoid".
Gavin swore running down to his car as you trailed behind him.

"So what are we going to do about it"?
You yelled opening the passenger side door and buckling your seatbelt.

"Get in there and".
Gavin paused trying to mentally plan it out.

"Fuck i dunno, delete the footage"?
He sped out on to the snowy roads going as fast as he possibly could.

"Look, maybe he hasn't checked them".
You tried to calm him and yourself down.

"My hand is registered for the touch pad to the security room, we'll just have to hope and see".
Gavin gripped the steering wheel tightly as you prayed silently.

I'm going to lose my fucking job!

A/N: hey guys! Just a quick note, if you ever see any spelling errors or sentences that need to be reworded, please comment or private message me ASAP! I try my best to proof read but I often miss a few things. Thanks again and I hope you all are enjoying my story! <3

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