The morning after

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You awoke the next morning exhausted. Gavin slept quietly beside you while your hand rest upon his chest, you legs entangled with his. He lay on his back, his arm tightly wrapped around your shoulder. His fingers tangled in between the loose curls of your hair.

You couldn't help but smile, you were filled to the top with pure joy. You hadn't felt this way in months. Nothing mattered anymore, only Gavin. You peered up at the old analog clock that sat perched the wall above you.

8:03 am

Was the time on the clock. You couldn't hear any noises outside, the 2 of you were probably still snowed in. You closed your eyes smiling basking in the warmth you felt when you laid beside him. Gavin awoke soon after you, a look of pure delight was strewn across his face as he looked deep into your eyes.

You kissed him softly before sitting up and stepping out of the bed grabbing your clothes off the floor.
"Are we still alone"?
Gavin asked sitting up watching you get dressed.

"I think so".
You pulled your underwear and pants on searching everywhere for your shirt.

"Where the hell did I put my shirt".
You bent over looking under the bed and all around the floor.

"I think it's still in the break room".
Gavin stretched his arms over his head and stepped out of bed onto the ice cold floor. He grabbed you by your waist bringing you into one final kiss before you went to go find your clothing.

You opened the door to the hallway carefully checking your surroundings, just to make sure you were 100% alone. Sure enough, the coast was clear and you sprinted to the break room swiping your shirt up from the ground and throwing it on as quick as possible.

You checked the front doors just to be sure you were still stuck inside. Your assumption was right as the doors were still blocked by the snow which was gradually beginning to melt away. You could probably be out of there by noon, even earlier if you were lucky.

"We're still stuck in here".
You sighed as Gavin walked out into the station pulling his shirt on over is head.

"I'll go make us some coffee, there's some food in the fridge I think".
He shrugged walking into the break room while you followed behind him.

"Err there's not much, some bread and some fruit".
He shouted while his head was shoved inside the fridge.

"Maybe we can make some toast"?
You suggested putting on a pot of coffee.

"Sounds good".
He closed the fridge door and opened the bag of bread popping the slices into the toaster.


"So you came home and he was fucking another girl"?
Gavin inquired taking a bite of his toast.

"Something like that".
You answered hesitantly as sipped your coffee. The 2 of you had pulled up some stools to the table in the break room while you told Gavin about your ex Jacob.

"He was always a jerk".
You explained placing your elbow on the table.
You weren't really one to spill your feelings like this but Gavin really understood you.

"He sure fucking sounds like one".
Gavin agreed taking a drink of his coffee.

"You guys were dating for what? A year"?
He asked you placing the cup back down on the table.

You hadn't really voiced your feelings about Jacob like this to anyone before, not even to your former friends. You just didn't think they'd understand how you felt.

You admitted resting your chin on your hand.

"Look, I've been there before, i get it".
Gavin reassured fiddling with his fingers.

"Wait really"?
You nearly choked on your coffee.

Really? Someone had cheated on him? Funny,  thought it would be the other way around

"Yeah, you in for a short story"?
He asked you and you nodded politely.

"Well about 3 years ago".
He began as you prepared yourself for the drama.

"I was dating a girl named Rachel".
He paused, clearly still bothered by his past.

"I had been dating her for just over a year and we had moved in together".
You nodded slowly interested in hearing what he had to say next.

"My brother gifted us with a complementary BX 400 model which, Rachel ended up liking more than me".
He sighed staring at the cement ground. He still looked hurt by her, after all these years.

"A lot more than me if your catching my drift".
He sarcastically it off trying to shake away the pain.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Gav".
You frowned reaching out to grab his hand.

"Ah its in the past now".
A smile appeared on his face as you held his warm hand with yours. Your heart fluttered when you touched him, you had known him less than a week and you were already in love with him.

"Looks like our hero's are here".
Gavin pointed to something behind you.
You quickly craned your neck over to see what he was talking about. A group of android workers were quickly clearing the snow out from around the building attempting to make the sidewalks and building entries accessible.

You and Gavin cleaned up your dishes and got ready to leave. As much as you hated being stuck in the station, a part of you didn't really want to leave.

"Hey, uh before you go".
Gavin walked up to you while you packed up your things. His hands were shoved in his pockets and he was noticeably nervous.
"I'm free tonight and um, I guess we're not just partners anymore so I'd like to take you to dinner if you're okay with that".
He asked awkwardly while you threw on your winter coat.

"I'd love that, ill text you my address, pick me up at 6".
You winked at him before rushing out the front door and into your car.

Holy shit you were so happy, nothing could ruin the moment for you. Nothing in the world could bring you back down from the high that you were on, nothing could ever cure your lovesick heart.

Just partners // Gavin Reed x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now