Its a Trip

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7:00 pm Wednesday January 12th

Tomorrow morning Connor, Gavin and Hank were coming to your house to pick you up.
You were going straight to the airport boarding a 9:30 flight to Hawaii.

The mission was simple, find a pair posing as a married couple somewhere at the resort. They were on some giant Red Ice delivery transporting over $100,000 worth of drugs. Your job was easy, find the fake couple, keep an eye out for suspicious activity and report back to Fowler immediately with their exact location.

But you had other plans on top of your mission, make Gavin jealous.You made sure to pack short skirts and low cut tops, Gavin would be drooling for sure. All you had to do after that was glue yourself to Connor.

Hopefully Connor wouldn't think you were actually in love with him, surely he'd think it was all part of the mission. But really, would it even matter? Could he even feel love? Could he sense it? Whatever, you'd just have to wait and see.

8:00 am Thursday January 13th

You were all packed and ready to go. You wore a low cut pastel shirt with black skinny jeans. You couldn't wait to get to the resort and break out your beach wardrobe. Gavin would be all over you.

A sudden knock on your door snapped you out of your daze. It was time to get going.

"Good morning Detective L/N".
Connor greeted you once you opened the door.

"Please, just call me Y/N".
You smiled while Connor graciously grabbed  your bags for you.

You saw that Hank was in the drivers seat while Gavin sat quietly in the back.

"Oh Connor, would you mind sitting in the back with me"?
You asked him as he shut the trunk of the car and you opened the back doors.

"Why the fuck".
Gavin sneered once he heard you.

"Is that necessary Y/N"?
Connor inquired. He was actually pretty cute, this would be easier than you thought.

"Well I thought if we're going to be acting like a married couple, we might as well start building some chemistry".
You noted while Gavin looked at you awkwardly.

"You make a good point, Gavin, if you don't mind".

Gavin opened the car door before Connor could finish.

"I hope you don't mind".
Connor began while sitting down in the backseat beside you.

"I have downloaded quite a bit of information in regards to love and married couples".
He continued while you buckled your seatbelt.

"So you've been studying".
You teased while you watched Gavin physically cringe in the front seat.

He must be so jealous, my plans working

"Yes, I have learned about many couple traditions, such as hugging, holding hands and the engagement of many sexual activities".

"OKAY Connor that's enough".
Hank cut in while Gavin rolled his eyes unenthusiastically.

A small part of you felt bad for Gavin but a part of you also had s thirst for revenge. He was so rude to you and Connor the other day, why should you be nice to him? He doesn't deserve it.


The car ride wasn't to long, maybe 20 minutes or so. You and Connor were quite chatty, he was an amazing listener actually. Maybe it's because he didn't have much to say but you enjoyed his companionship none the less.


"Damn, wish we could've got first class".
You groaned throwing your carry on into an overhead bin.

"Blame Fowler for that".
Hank chuckled while he examined his ticket.

"Looks like I'm 2 rows behind you 3".
Hank pointed to a few seats behind you.

"Guess you're gonna be lonely".
You joked while Gavin snatched the window seat.
"Id rather be alone then with Reed."
He quipped slipping into his row and taking the window seat.

"I'll be in the middle I guess".
You sat down beside Gavin while Connor took the aisle seat beside you.

"I just wanted to say, I really enjoyed speaking with you today".
Connor smiled at you once he sat down.

"Aw that's so sweet Connor"!
You gushed while Gavin tried to ignore the 2 of you.

"According to the internet, many couples call each other odd nicknames such as honey or baby. I don't completely understand the history behind it but I believe it would be efficient to the mission if we started using that kind of language".
Connor suggested and you agreed.

"Sounds great babe".
You flirted making sure Gavin could hear you.

Connor was so sweet, this week would be a breeze!

"Detective Reed, are you alright? You seem quite tense".
Connor asked but Gavin didn't respond. Instead, he held up his middle finger gesturing inappropriately towards Connor.

"Someone's in a bad mood".
You joked under your breath.

"Fuck off".
Gavin whispered while he looked out the window patiently waiting for takeoff.

Your heart sank a little. You really hated it when people were blatantly rude to you but maybe you deserved it? Maybe you were taking this thing a bit far.

"Are you alright Y/N"?
Connor noticed the dull expression across your face.

"Yes yeah, fine".
You stuttered pulling your seatbelt across you.

"That was quite rude of you Detective Reed".
Connor leaned forward trying to speak with Gavin.

"Oh and she's not"?
Gavin snapped breaking his stare from outside the window.

"I never said".
Connor started to speak but you spoke up before things got to0 nasty.

"Guys stop".
You put your hands in their faces.

"Detective, I am sensing high levels of jealousy, I suggest".
"Suggest what"!
Gavin intruded.

"I suggest you speak to Y/N so you can address your differences".
Connor finished while you lowered your arms.

"I'll start talking to her once she hops off your dick".
Gavin replied bluntly before reaching into his bag and pulling out a pair of headphones.

"He's like this to everyone, don't take it personally".
Connor comforted you while Gavin tuned the both of you out.

"Thanks, but jerks will always be jerks. Ya just can't change em".
You whispered leaning your head against Connors shoulder. This trip might not be so easy after all.


The entire flight was around 12 hours but it felt a million times shorter with Connors company. Gavin was able to ignore the both of you the entire time, completely zoning out with whatever he was listening to. You thought that he might try to talk to you at some point but you were completely wrong.

Your plan was certainly working though, Gavin was extremely jealous. Everything had worked out, you had sure taught Gavin a lesson. Your little game was over now, you thought you might be able to make it up to him that night if he wasn't to jet lagged.

You and Connor shared a room but Gavin and Hank were separate. Perhaps you'd spent the night with Gavin instead, you weren't really mad at him anymore, it was time to make amends, let it all go.

A/N: ahhhh! Thank you everyone for your positive comments! They literally make me sooooo happy and inspire me to write even more! Thank you for your support!! Love you all! 💕💘

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