First Day Back

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7:00 am Thursday January 20th

Gavin's alarm switched on waking you up as you rolled over onto your side.

"Shit, Sorry".
He mumbled as he quickly went to shut it off.

You groaned as you grabbed his arm pulling him closer towards you.

"Do you really have to go to work".
You pouted giving him puppy dog eyes.

"I wish I didn't have to".
He sighed as he attempted to step out of the bed.

"Five more minutes please".
You giggled still holding onto his arm.

He grinned as he rolled back into bed wrapping his arm around you.

"I wish you could just stay here forever".
You sighed pressing your face against his chest.

"I do too".
He exhaled kissing you on the head.


You felt so happy yet so pathetic at the same time. Here you were being all lovey dovey with your, well you hadn't actually stopped to think about titles yet. Was he your boyfriend? Was he simply a friend with benefits? Maybe it was time to ask.

"Hey Gav".
You voiced after the 2 of you had eaten breakfast.

He turned his head away from the dishes he was washing in the sink.

"I've been meaning to ask you something".
You flushed red trying not to stutter.

"Alright, shoot".
He turned his head back to the dishes as you leaned your back against the kitchen counters.

"What are we"?
You asked as Gavin finished cleaning the last dish.

"What are we"?
He raised an eyebrow as he dried off his hands.

"Yeah, uh".
You paused trying to find the correct way to phrase it.

"Are we like, um dating"?
You averted your gaze as you scratched the back of your neck nervously.

A gentle smile appeared on his face as he walked over to you.

"If that's what you want then that's what I want too".
He smiled confidently while he grabbed you by the waist kissing you on the lips.

It really didn't hurt to ask, now you weren't stuck guessing. It was official, you were now dating Gavin Reed the DPD's finest asshole.


The next 4 days were pretty much the same. Gavin woke up with you every morning and went to bed with you every night. It was so kind of him to look after you like this even though you didn't really need it.

You were healing fast actually, the wound on your arm still required bandages but your other cuts and bruises were gradually starting to fade. Even the marks along your neck that Gavin had given to you were starting to disappear.

As much as you enjoyed relaxing and doing pretty much nothing all day, you were excited to get back to work.

6:55 am Monday January 24th

You woke up on Monday morning feeling refreshed and ready for the week. Gavin was still asleep beside you and knowing his alarm would go off shortly, you stepped out of bed to get ready first.

You quickly changed into some comfortable black leggings and a grey cowl neck sweater. Gavin awoke soon after you jumping out of bed and quickly giving you a kiss before he went to take a shower.

Just partners // Gavin Reed x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now