Caught on camera

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"Come on"!
Gavin shouted grabbing onto your hand and practically dragging you into the station. You ran past Fowler's office and down a long winding hallway which supposedly lead to the security room.

"It's just down here".
Gavin whispered quietly while shoulder checking every so often.

"Stop being so paranoid".
You whispered to him as he continued to drag you down the hallway.

Just as the touchpad was in view, someone exited the room. It was none other than Connor.

"Good morning detective Reed, detective L/N".
The door automatically sealed shut behind him while you and Gavin struggled to act natural.

"Heyyy what's up".
You nervous laughed leaning yourself up against the wall.

"What are the 2 of you doing here"?
He asked, as Gavin fiddled anxiously with his car keys in his pocket.

"Oh pfft nothing, just going for a walk".
Gavin chuckled lightly trying to fool him but you both knew Connor was a walking lie detector.

"This hallway leads to a dead end, where are you 2 really going".
He interrogated.

You and Gavin both stuttered trying to avert Connors gaze. Unfortunately, Connor had spent so much time with Hank that he now had the ability to put 2 and 2 together.

His eyes pierced you like daggers scanning every inch of you.

"Your neck, his jacket".
Connor tilted his head while you tried to cover the obvious hickeys on your neck with your hair.

"Workplace relationships are highly prohibited".
Connor began and you felt a knot appear in your stomach.

"Connor it's not like that".
You choked trying to squeeze past him and enter the security room.

"If your trying to delete the footage, it's to late".
He stepped in front of you staring you down like a bird with prey.

"Look, pal, Buddy Guy".
Gavin sauntered up to Connor trying his best to play it cool.

"Just let us in there and".
"I'm reporting this to captain Fowler immediately".
Connor cut Gavin off trying to push his way through you.

"Connor stop".
You grabbed his jacket sleeve tugging on it like  a toddler.

"You don't have to do this"!
You pleaded but he pulled his hand away from yours.

"My mission was to secure the footage and report any unusual behavior back to captain Fowler and that's exactly what I'm going to do".
He said sternly but you continued to beg.

You were practically screaming now, tears welled up in your pathetic eyes, you couldn't lose your job like this! As you continued to convince Connor, Gavin gestured towards a door to the left of you.

A broom closet?

Gavin signaled for you to open it, you obliged leaving it slightly ajar.

Just as Connor opened his mouth to reply, Gavin caught him off guard and swiftly shoved him into the broom closet.

"What the".
You heard Connor wail pathetically as you locked the door from the outside.

"Did we just".
You stuttered pointing towards the locked closet.

"We did".
Gavin grinned smugly.

"Dude we just fucking locked him in the closet, what now"?
You panicked trying to figure out what to do.

"I didn't really plan this out fully".
He shrugged scratching his head.

"Well what the fuck do we do then"!
You threw your hands up in the air watching the expression on Gavin's face suddenly change.

"okay so he's kind of a fucking bulldozer so we don't have much time before he breaks this door down".
Gavin panicked before he sprinted off to the security room.

Connor angrily banged his fists against the heavy metal door.

"Hmm let me think about that, nope".
You laughed cockily. You couldn't believe you outsmarted an android! Maybe they were just as human as they said they were.

"Deleting that footage will do nothing".
Connor stopped pounding on the door trying to reason with you.

"I can wirelessly send them to captain Fowler immediately , but I may re-consider if you open this door".
He negotiated and you're heart began to race.

Ohh my fucking fuck shit fuck

"Connor DON'T"!
You screamed letting him out.

"Connor please I need this job don't do this to me".
You fell to your knees begging.

This is so pathetic

"What the Fuck".
Gavin exited the security room watching you sit on your knees in front of Connor.

"Okay so, either you're begging him to keep his mouth shut or this is the start of a really bad porno".
Gavin laughed watching you beg like a fool.

"Shut up".
You growled still on your knees.

Connor looked complexed. He probably didn't want to get you fired, but he had a job to do.

"What have I ever done to hurt you"?
You looked up to him, your eyes filled with emotion.

"Well for starters, you just locked me in a broom closet".
He stared down at you intimidatingly.

"Okay besides that".
You stood up still trying your best to convince him.

You used your sad puppy dog eyes tilting your head ever so slightly.

"I always accomplish my mission".
Connor stated firmly about to turn away from you.

"But you will accomplish it, just don't let
Fowler know about us".
You offered. Connor stopped. It looked like he was thinking.

"You buffering or something"?
Gavin joshed cockily.

"Not the time Gavin".
You sneered quietly while Connor still stood still, deep in thought.

Connor was finally guilted.

"But, if I ever catch you 2 doing something like that in the workplace ever again, I'm writing the both of you up".
He pointed a finger at you sternly.

"thank you"!
You smiled in relief. You could've been in some hot hot water if it wasn't for Connor.

"Thank god".
You let out a long sigh as Connor turned to walk away.

"So now Connor knows about all that".
Gavin sighed putting his hand on his head.

"I'm sure he won't tell anyone".
You said hopefully.

A/N: hey everyone! I hope you're all enjoying the story so far, I love reading your positive comments!! They make me so happy! ❤️❤️❤️

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