I love you too

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warning! Lots of smut in this chapter, like A LOT of it.

7:30 pm

You walked down to the outdoor pool area,
With your towel draped over your arm. You opened the door to the patio eyeing the empty pool deck.

Looks like no ones out he- wait

Your eyes nearly popped out of your head, Gavin was there, sitting in the hot tub alone.

You wanted to run, you wanted to escape, you wanted to do anything to get away from him. But you stopped yourself.

I can't run forever

You took a deep breath in and walked towards the tub.

"Hey Gavin".
You croaked placing your towel on a nearby chair.

Oh my god why am I doing this

His cocky smile was back, as usual.

"So, um, like".
You stuttered stepping into the hot tub.

Gavin laughed, it was clear you were nervous.

"How's your day been"?
He asked you and you relaxed a bit sitting down across from him.

"Alright, I guess".
You murmured, the bubbles making it hard for you to hear him.

"Come here".
He gestured to an empty spot beside him.

You asked anxiously.

"I can't hear you from over there".
He called out.

"Oh yeah, right".
You laughed stupidly and swam up beside him. Your heart was beating a mile a minute,
so fast you thought it might burst out of your chest.

"Look, I'm sorry about earlier".
He apologized staring down at the water.

"For what"?
You choked.

"Running out on you. It was wrong".
He sighed running his hand through his hair.

He was so adorable when he was apologizing, maybe it was because he was have naked but he was still cute none the less.

"It's okay".
You admitted.

"I shouldn't have ran away from you either".
You added.

He muttered.

He added jokingly.

"Who you calling princess"!
You splashed him playfully.

"What are you gonna do about it".
He teased splashing you back.

"Hey stop that"!
You laughed breaking into a full on splash war.

"Make me".
He smirked and he stopped sloshing the water.

"I will".
You paused kissing him gently. He kissed you back sending shivers down your neck.

"Hey I forgot to tell you something".
Gavin whispered in your ear while you planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

You asked and he tilted your chin up with his finger. His eyes glittered in the night sky as he opened his mouth to speak.

"I love you too".
He grinned grabbing you by the thighs and placing you on his lap. His pleasurable kisses became harder and harder too resist.

"Let's head upstairs".
He whispered as he lifted you out of the tub.
He grabbed your hand leading you upstairs into his room.

Once inside, you wrapped your hands around his neck as he grabbed ahold of your waist. You made out for a bit simply setting the mood until he pushed you onto the bed and began to remove his swim shorts.

Just partners // Gavin Reed x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now