Truth or Dare

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You sat in the couch patiently petting Moxie who lay beside you.

Gavin walked into the room rubbing his hands together anxiously.

"What should we eat for dinner"?
He asked nervously running his hands through his hair. He had kept the white button down on with the sleeves rolled up jus below his elbows. He had ditched his tie and vest, you wished he dressed like this more, he was damn attractive.

"I dunno, you wanna just order pizza"?
You decided as you watched his shoulders relax a little.
"I was really hoping you'd say that".
He chuckled nervously before picking up the phone.

"What type do you want"?
He asked punching the number into his phone.

"You choose, I'm not picky".
You shrugged still petting Moxie who had made her way onto your lap now.

You never thought you and Gavin would be where you were now, when you first met him he didn't seem like the guy who'd ever want to go on a date after hooking up. He looked more like  a 'let's have a one night stand then never talk again ' kind of person. Perhaps you judged him to quickly.

Gavin placed his phone on the counter after ordering the food.

"No, you don't really look like a drinker but I could be wrong".
He sighed reaching into his fridge pulling out a variety of drinks.

You would occasionally go bar hopping with your friends when you were in your 20's but you never considered yourself a heavy drinker.

"Not really but what do you have"?
You removed Moxie from your lap and made your way over to his countertop. A few drinks were laid out but nothing really caught your eye.

"How about these".
Gavin handed you a mango pineapple Palm Bay. You have had them before, they weren't to bad actually. Maybe you'd have just one.

You shrugged opening the can and taking a sip. Gavin had a drink as well, something in a glass but you couldn't tell what it was. It was probably something much stronger than what you had.

You walked back to the living room sitting yourself down on the couch, Gavin sitting at the other end.

"Wanna watch a movie"?
He asked flicking on the TV.

You agreed as he scrolled through the many options, finally settling on some cheesy rom com.

"Gavin Reed watching Rom coms? I would never have guessed it".
You teased taking another sip of your drink.

"I'm only watching this trash because you're here".
He lied as he grabbed a blanket that was hanging off the edge of the couch.

"Gavin it's a 98% match for you".
You laughed placing your drink on the table.

Gavin just sighed in defeat tossing the blanket over to you.
"Fine! You caught me, im a hopeless romantic".
He joked snuggling up beside you.


The pizza arrived shortly into the movie as the 2 of you sat beside each other simply enjoying each other's company. Gavin had his arm loosely wrapped around you as you rested your head upon his shoulder. You had already drank 2 Palm Bays within the last 2 hours, you were feeling a little tipsy but not completely drunk yet.

"Hey let's just like talk or something".
You asked him once the movie ended.

"And what would you like to talk about".
He turned off the TV stretching himself out on the opposite end of the couch.

"I dunno, let's play truth or dare".
You challenged him hoping you wouldn't have to do anything to horrible.

"Alright, but, if you can't answer the truth or you don't want to do the dare, you have to kiss me".
He teased you causing you to smile.

That was hardly a punishment, time to avoid any truth or dare he throws at me

"Ew, kissing you? I would never".
You taunted sarcastically. You felt like a child, truth or dare? Its like you were back in high school.

"You first".
You slurred stretching yourself out on the couch.

"Alright, truth or dare".
He smiled seductively as you put your hands on the back of your head relaxing.

You replied, ready for whatever he was about to make you do.

"I dare you to find your high school crush's social media and like every single photo they have".

You suddenly tensed up when a name popped into your head. The name of a nerdy junior boy that freshman you swooned over for like 2 years until he graduated. You totally could have dated him but unfortunately, he was your best friends older brother.

You hadn't talked to him let alone seen him since like 2021 when he came to watch his sisters graduation, what would he think when he saw your name pop up on his screen notifying him that you've liked all his posts.

No way I'm EVER doing that

"No way! He'll think I'm a psychopath"!
You protested. It wasn't like the punishment was that bad, a simple kiss that's all.

"Guess you'll just have to kiss me".
Gavin smirked as you crawled across the couch towards him. You put your legs on his as your arm pressed against his chest. You placed your weight on top of him pulling him into a tantalizing kiss.

"Truth or dare".
Your lips moved away from his, your faces only inches apart.

He responded confidently as you slowly moved back to your spot.

"Remember when you wrong number texted me the other day"?
You asked putting your hand on your chin.

"Yeah, i remember".
His face went red. It looked like he wasn't going to answer.

"Did you ever meet up with her again"?
You inquired tilting your head slightly.

"Well, do you really wanna know the truth"?
Gavin asked shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"She wasn't real".
He croaked and your eyes widened.

You tripped over your words genuinely confused.

"I kind of made her up, to make you jealous".
He scratched his head awkwardly blushing like crazy.

"Gavin Reed! Telling lies"?
You gasped sarcastically. You had a feeling he had made that whole text up. Turns out, you were right.

Just partners // Gavin Reed x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now