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10:03 am Friday January 14th

You grabbed a quick bite to eat at the diner across the street while thoughts of Gavin actively flooded your mind. But this time they weren't your sick fantasies or your sappy love stories.

You couldn't stop thinking about how Gavin had ran away from you today after you confessed your love to him. You were ashamed, it was so embarrassing. You didn't know how you'd ever speak to him again.


You found yourself later that day down at the beach sitting all alone wearing the bathing suit you specifically brought to taunt Gavin. It was simple, small and covered with floral print.
You looked cute but no one was there to see it.

You sat around in the sand for a bit until you decided to go back to your room. When you arrived Connor wasn't there but there was a note left on the bed.

"Hank and I went to explore around the island, we'll be back around noon"

You read aloud. You had plenty of time to kill before they got back. You got changed out of your sand covered bikini and back into your casual blue sundress. You walked over to your balcony sliding the glass door open.

You felt the warm sun kiss your skin gently as you inhaled the fresh air. You then stepped out onto your balcony hearing the door automatically slide shut behind you.

The view was gorgeous but something else caught your eye. Gavin was standing 2 balcony's away from you, also admiring the view.

"Oh fuck".
you muttered to yourself turning on your heels attempting to open the door. But you didn't quite make it to the handle. You lost your balance while turning causing you to fall and hit your knee on the cement below you.

"Ah Fuck me"!
You involuntarily shouted holding your knee in pain.

Gavin's loud voice boomed from his balcony.

"N- No"?
You stuttered standing up and grabbing onto the door handle trying to open it but it wouldn't budge.

"Y/N I can see you".
Gavin leaned over the edge of his balcony facing directly towards you.

"Nope no, I'm not Y/N, haha you must be mistaken".
You were sweating nervously trying to escape this situation but the door was sealed shut.

Gavin sighed.

"Okay fine you got me haha! why the hell aren't you opening".
You shouted and then mumbled to yourself angrily still pulling at the handle.

I'm stuck! I'm never gonna get inside! I'm locked out of my own room oh my-

"Its a touchpad".
Gavin snapped you out of your panic pointing to a white square beside the door.

you flushed with embarrassment slapping your hand onto the touchpad and the door promptly slid open.

"K bye"!
You waved running inside.

"What the FUCK".
You yelled once you got in the room.

You were so embarrassed, you didn't even want to see his face again, he must think you're a complete idiot!

It was a touchpad oh my god I'm so stupid!

What if he was coming to talk to your right now? You couldn't face him, he'd probably just laugh at you.

You grabbed your bag and jogged out of your hotel room. Just as you were closing your door, you saw Gavin leaving as well.

Oh shit

You hoped he didn't see you running away. You sprinted to the elevator pressing the buttons frantically. The lift arrived and you stepped inside.

You didn't know how to talk to him at this point, you were traumatized by his reactions after your confession and now you were the one running from him!

You shouted once you exited the lift.

"Greetings Y/N".
Connor waved as Hank stood directly beside him.

"Heys Guys"!
You ran up to them trying to catch your breath.

"Y/N your stress levels are quite high, are you alright "?
Connor placed a hand on your shoulder while you tried to calm yourself down.

"Yeah yeah, fine, 100% actually".
You laughed clumsily.

"Hey do you wanna go grab some lunch"?
You asked the both of them.

"Sure where would you like to-".
"Great lets go"!
You grabbed Connors hand dragging him away while Hank followed behind you.

The 3 of you went to lunch at a small cafe down the road, Gavin was no where to be seen. You spent the rest of the day with Hank and Connor, shopping in small local stores and exploring the beach front. Then you went back to the hotel for dinner, still no Gavin.

You were riddled with anxiety and paranoia, for the majority of the day. you were terrified of running into him, hopefully you could keep this up for another week.

7:00 pm

"Hank and I are going to the bar down stairs, would you care to join us"?
Connor asked politely once you entered your room.

"Nah, it's alright. I think I'm gonna go down to the hot tub".
You shrugged grabbing your bathing suit out of your suitcase.

Connor nodded and left the room.

A/N: Lots of smut in the next chapter, prepare yourselves 😈

Just partners // Gavin Reed x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now