Don't let him in

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9:27 pm January 5th

You crawled into bed slowly rubbing the tears out of your red puffy eyes. You hated how you still cried over him, it has been nearly 3 months since you guys broke apart, why was he still so important to you?

You exhaled deeply dismissing the thoughts of Jacob as you flicked off your lamp and rested your head upon your soft fluffy pillow. Emmy hopped up onto your bed purring passionately as she snuggled up to your arm.

"Hey girl".
You caressed her head gently while you slowly closed your eyes feeling her soft purrs vibrate against you.

7:00 am January 6th

You awoke to your alarm clock buzzing. You rubbed your eyes tiredly and hopped out of bed making your way to the bathroom and washing your face.

It was snowing outside so you decided to dress a little warmer today. You threw on a pair of dark skinny jeans, a tight grey tank top and a red flannel. You tied your hair in a loose braid which hung delicately over your right shoulder.

You quickly applied some makeup and made a quick breakfast for yourself before heading off. A dumb smile was spread across your face, you were excited to see him again.

9:00 am

You arrived at work on time making your way to your desk. It didn't look like Gavin was here  yet. Maybe he was just late? Who knows.

You logged into your computer patiently waiting for Gavin to arrive. A half an hour had passed when you started to think he wasn't going to show up.

Hey Gavin, you coming in today?

You sent him a quick text as butterflies filled your stomach. You placed your phone face up on your desk anxiously waiting for him to reply.

Hey Y/N , Yeah, there was an accident on 4th street and main, stuck in traffic, will be there soon.
He replied causing your heart to race.

Alrighty , drive safe :)
You texted back instantly regretting your choice of words.

Who the hell says "alrighty"?


You smiled at him once he arrived holding a cup of coffee in his hand.

He responded surly not even looking at you.

It was quiet obvious to you that he wasn't in the mood to talk so you tried to just focus on your work.

You placed your left elbow on the table and one hand on the mouse staring attentively at the screen.

The more focused you became the more you slouched over onto the desk which was a bad habit of yours but you didn't really care.

Whilst being deep into some research for a case , you noticed in your peripheral Gavin glancing towards you every so often.

You were flattered at first but it didn't take you long to realize what he was looking at.

His in fact wasn't looking at your face but a little farther down. You quickly realized how your slouching made you an easy target for his eyes.

You immediately straightened your back in embarrassment tugging your tank top up a little higher while you pulled your red flannel inwards.

And to think I thought of him as a nice guy? He's just a perverted jerk!

You thought angrily

I fucking knew he wasn't all that great

You felt a pit grow in your stomach, he reminded you of someone, he reminded you of Jacob.

No one was perfect, especially not Jacob. He was cocky and conceded, and he often pressured you into things you didn't want to do yet you still stayed with him hoping he might change. He didn't.

You promised yourself you weren't going to get your heartbroken by another guy. You were going to keep that promise.

He's just a typical jerk, don't even bother with him.

You thought still typing away at your keyboard spending the rest of the day in silence.

5:30 pm January 6th

"Alright, I'm heading home".
You smiled half heartedly at Gavin while you picked up your bags.

"Hey uh actually before you go".
Gavin sputtered as you swung your bag around your arm.

"Do you maybe wanna go out for dinner with me tonight"?
He asked you politely which was odd for his character. Your heart beat faster as you stared at him dumbfounded.

Don't fall for him he's a jerk!

"Thanks for the offer but I've actually already have plans for tonight uh maybe another time"?
You awkwardly grinned at him trying to let him down easy.

"Yeah yeah no it's fine, totally".
He tried to laugh it off but you could see the embarrassment in his eyes.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow".
You waved goodbye as you walked out of the station and into the heavy snow.

Holy shit it's snowed like 2 feet since this morning!

You trudged your way through the thick snow and jumped into your car turning the heat on full blast.

Don't let him in, he'll hurt you just like Jacob did.

You squeezed the steering wheel tightly the streetlights illuminating the falling snow around you.

Don't let him hurt you

Just partners // Gavin Reed x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now