Lets Try Something New

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GAPHIC SMUT WARNING. Many of you enjoyed my previous chapters containing smut but a lot of you wanted it to be more graphic. So here we are!

10:03 pm Saturday January 15th

Since you had met Gavin you're lifestyle had changed drastically. No more boring nights at home, no more drowning your sorrows in ice cream, no more same old same old.

You now sat beside him at the bar drinking whatever the hell Gavin thought you'd like. You were loud, obnoxious and quite frankly the type of person you'd want to punch in the face.

But you were drunk. Like completely wasted. You were drunker than ever before and you felt like a different person. You're confidence was through the roof, you felt powerful.

Usually you'd be throwing up at this point but this time it was different. You're dark side was out and she was hungry. Hungry for Gavin that is.

"Enough talking".
You slammed your empty glass down on the table catching Gavin's attention.

"Lets go".
You grabbed him by the collar aggressively kissing him on the neck.

"You don't have to ask me twice".
Gavin smirked hopping of the barstool as you grabbed onto his wrist leading him towards the elevators.

"I wanna fuck you so hard baby".
You slurred pushing Gavin into an empty elevator.

"Fuck, okay".
You cupped his face passionately pressing your lips against his. Tonight you were taking the wheel. No more playing around. Gavin was your bitch tonight and you weren't going to let anything stop you.

"Holy shit".
Gavin murmured through kisses as you pushed him through the hotel room door.

"What's wrong? Bit off more than you can chew"?
You teased throwing off your dress.

"No, I've just never seen this side of you before".
He grinned while he took off his shirt.

"Well tonight's gonna be different".
You grabbed onto his shoulders throwing him down onto the bed.

He grumbled as you crawled on top of him.
You were completely trashed but you knew exactly what you were doing. The alcohol was taking over your body now, the boring old Y/N was on holiday. It was time for some fun.

"Lay down".
You commanded pulling your hair into a tight pony tail. Gavin's eyes widened as he removed his pants.

Gavin lay back on the end of the bed as you gripped the elastic band of his boxers with your fingers, slowly slipping them off and onto the floor.

You smiled seductively before wrapping your hand around the base of his cock, while your mouth watered in anticipation.

You leaned forward shoving him down your shallow throat. You felt him grab onto your hair as satisfied moans escaped his mouth. You began to make your way up and down his length while his soft cries filled the room.

You moved harder and faster, your tongue licking and moving delicately around him. His pleasurable moans made you feel stronger as his hands curled through your hair tugging at it gently while he begged for you to go faster.

You took him all in at once, feeling his large cock push against the back of your throat.

"Keep going".
He cried as you tried not to choke. You place your hands on his thighs feeling his hips buck forwards. You felt him push harder into your mouth filling you with lust and desire.

His exasperated moans taunted you. The feeling of him pushing against your throat made you feel weak in the knees as your hands steadily held him by the base.

Just partners // Gavin Reed x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now