More Than Partners -The End-

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3:00 pm Saturday August 25th 2040
Your wedding day

Wise men say only fools rush in

Music played throughout the church while you and Gavin swayed together in the middle of the dance floor.

But I can't help falling in love with you

Of course you had picked the most basic wedding song to play but who could blame you, it was so romantic.

If I can't help falling in love with you

The music continued as crowds of your closest friends and family watched you dance with tears in their eyes.

Normally your stage fright would be eating you away at a moment like this but as soon as Gavin's hands met yours, all your anxiety's melted away.

Your every fantasy and dream was coming true, this was your castle in the sky. Everything was flawless, perfect music, perfect dress, perfect husband, it's almost like you were living in a cute little love story that someone was ever so carefully writing for you.

With every step you took, your heart melted. When he held you just so, you felt as if you were walking on air.

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea

Your hands were clasped tightly together as he delicately spun you around the floor.

Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be

Your smile was unbelievably stupid but you couldn't help yourself. You had just married the man of your dreams, who wouldn't be smiling!

Take my hand
Take my whole life too

Your pace began to slow as Gavin twirled you into his arms.

For I can't help

Gavin placed a hand on your back to support you while he dipped you down to the floor.

falling in love with you

The last lyrics echoed throughout the building as he leaned down for a kiss still holding you in his arms.

Once the song was over, warm teary eyed faces watched as you and Gavin stood up and bowed. Applause erupted from the audience as Gavin lead you off the floor.

"This is all so perfect".
You wiped away a tear as you turned to face him. Gavin placed his hands on your waist as he slowly leaned down.

"I love you".
You grinned joyfully, his lips inches away from yours .

"I love you too".
He smiled as he went in for another kiss.

Perfect really was an understatement but you couldn't find any other way to phrase it. The whole venue was flawless, every little thing was just as you had hoped. Everything was going as planned.

It was especially nice having everyone altogether. Friends, family, coworkers, it was lovely.

It was strange to think you and Gavin had started off as sworn enemies, fighting and insulting each other for the longest time. But obviously things had drastically changed.

You remembered how much you hated him at first. You fought and you teased but it all bloomed into something so beautiful.

He had changed so much since he had met you, it was actually insane. Little old 'bring me coffee or I'll snap your neck' was now a big softy who now uses his manners like a proper human being.

He had even apologized to Connor for how rude he was in the past. But Gavin rarely ever spoke about Connor so you had no idea what their relationship was like before you started working. Surely it wasn't too bad, probably just Gavin being a typical asshole. But tonight wasn't the time to dwell on the past. It was a time of new beginnings.


The rest of the night went as planned. You talked to many of your friends receiving multitudes of presents and congratulations.

But as beautiful as the wedding was, you were excited for the next morning. You and him would be heading off to travel Europe on your honeymoon. Italy was your first stop and boy did it seem beautiful.

"Hey, congratulations you two".
Hank approached you and Gavin with a drink in his hand and Connor by his side.

"Thank you".
You and Gavin smiled warmly before sharing another kiss.

"Still sappy though".
Hank playfully rolled his eyes before taking a sip of his drink.

"Come on, it's my wedding let me have some fun".
Gavin laughed as his lips left yours.

"Alright alright".
Hank sighed while he placed a hand on Connors shoulder.

"let's give these lovebirds some space".
Hank said before turning and walking away with Connor.

Words couldn't describe the overwhelming feeling that coursed through your veins every time you and Gavin kissed.

Your heart fluttered, your stomach felt weak, it was simply amazing. Everything he did filled you with joy.

You admired his goofy laugh and his atrocious sense of humour. You swooned over every little part of him, every piece every imperfection every last thing about him sent you into a spiral.

You were madly in love with him and he was as well. The 2 of you were perfect for each other. Hand in hand you danced your way through the night feeling your heart race in time with his.

His silly smile lit an ever burning fire inside of you. His eyes send chills down your spine filling you with lust and excitement. Words couldn't justify your feelings for him. They could hardly explain the half of it.

The last song of the night began to play as many other couples joined on the dance floor twirling and spinning their partners.

You and and Gavin slow danced the song away holding each other's hands while your cheek rested on his shoulder.

You and him had been through so much together. Romance, hatred, jealousy, everything.

Whether you be at work or at home the 2 of you had always been partners. From beginning to end you had each other's backs whether you liked it or not.

But after all you had been through, after all the drama, games and sleepless nights where you just couldn't keep him off your mind, it was clear that the 2 of you were much more than just partners.

~~~~~~The End~~~~~~

A/N: Thank you everyone for your love and support throughout this story, I couldn't have done it without you all! It's been an amazing 2 months and I'm so glad you all enjoyed it! I'm sad it had to come to an end but I'm happy it ended like this.

A few notes:

I will be updating previous chapters (not drastically) just a few touch ups here and there so I can improve the overall story.

I'm thinking about writing some Gavin Reed X Reader ones shots but I'm not entirely sure if I'll go through with it so I apologize in advanced if I don't.

I will be taking a small break from writing on here for a little while just so I can relax and brainstorm new ideas for future stories.

Make sure to follow if you want to keep up with any new content I decide to post. If you liked this story go ahead and share it with your pals, we need to create a community of Gavin stans 😩👏

Also, my messages are always open if you want to talk about our KING Gavin 👑👏

Thank you again for reading my story, I love you all! 💙💜💙💜💙💜

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