Lord Help Me

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Trigger warning: Abuse, gunshots, torture


You hopelessly rested your head against the cabinet door while various bugs and rodents trampled over top of you.

You had given up escaping hours ago. The ropes were tightly tied around your wrists nearly cutting off the circulation to your hands. There was little to no hope of you getting out.

A burn mark had formed on your arm from the taser while bug bites covered the rest of your exposed skin. As distracting as your injuries were, you couldn't help but think about Gavin.

You wondered what he might be up to at this very moment. Was he working late at the station desperately trying to find you? Was he already on his way to save you? Maybe he was still in Hawaii, maybe he didn't even care.

You didn't know what to think. You wanted to believe what you thought was true. You wanted to believe Gavin was going to be your hero. But it was hard to ignore Rachel's constant bullying. 

The same 6 words repeated in your head like a broken record.

"No ones gonna save you sweetheart"

Maybe she was right. What if no one ever found you, what if you were to die here. Suddenly, the front door swung open snapping you out of your horrible thoughts.

"As much as I hate you, I need to keep you alive".
Rachel sighed as you curled your lip in disdain.

She placed a bottle of water and a take out box in front of you while she began to untie your hands.

"Don't try to pull anything".
She warned as you noticed Noah standing by the door with a gun in his hands.

Once you had use of your arms you immediately jammed the food into your mouth chewing and swallowing at light speed.

"Ugh, you're an animal".
Rachel rolled her eyes as she watched you eat.

"Someone wants to talk to you".
She pulled out her cellphone once you finished the rest of your meal. You watched the corners of her mouth tug upwards into a demon like smile.

You asked, your eyes wide with hope.

She snickered as she quickly entered the video chat app on her phone.

Amanda was the last person you wanted to talk to. After all, she was the one funding this whole operation.

"How's my best friend"!
Amanda blew fake kisses at the screen while Rachel held the phone camera up to your face.

"I'm doing amazing, you"?
You smiled sarcastically while Amanda  laughed deviously.

"You are hilarious, really"!
Amanda taunted.

"Id strangle you if I could".
You growled wishing you could just grab her tiny pathetic neck.

"Now Y/N, don't be so aggressive".
She gasped sarcastically.

"Look hun, you better start talking or I'm going to have to send someone after that pretty boy you work with".
She raised an eyebrow threateningly.

You faltered.

"Rachel's told me all about him"!
Amanda teased while you suppressed the urge to punch Rachel square in the face.

"I don't even care about him".
You deluded but Amanda wasn't buying it.

"It's been over a decade since I've last seen you Y/N but I can still tell when you're lying".
She laughed frivolously.

"Just tell Rachel what she needs to know and no one gets hurt, K"?
Amanda instructed.

"I, I".
You choked.

"Well I've got to get going, see you never"!
Amanda blew more fake kisses at the screen before hanging up.

"You bitch"!
You snapped as you grabbed Rachel by the throat. You wanted to hurt her so bad, you wanted her to feel the pain she has inflicted on you.

"Let her go".
Noah's voice exploded through the room while he pointed his gun at your head.

"Fuck you"!
You bawled punching her face into the ground.

"Stop or I'll shoot"!
Noah growled but you continued to punch, harder and harder. You felt your knuckles hit against her head as she tried to fight back.

A sudden gunshot filled the room. You froze in terror while adrenaline coursed through your veins.

Noah had shot you in the arm. You released Rachel from your grasp placing your hand overtop of your wound.

You felt your heartbeat pulsing on your hand. The immense pain overwhelmed you, the room started to spin.

Rachel mumbled under her breath while she rubbed her sore neck.

"You, you shot me".
You cried pressing your hand hard against the hole in your arm.

"You're injured, now speak".
Rachel croaked standing up on two feet.

You whimpered.

"If you tell us the passwords we'll patch you up".
Rachel reasoned grabbing a first aid kit from a bag she had left on the counter top.

"You wouldn't let me die, you need me".
You argued but your paltry words has no affect.

"Don't act like you're special Y/N, you know how many weak detectives work at the DPD".
Rachel sneered throwing the first aid kit back in the bag.

"I suggest you start talking".
She placed her hands on her knees leaning down to your face.

Noah called out but she silenced him.

"Why don't you just tell me the passwords"!
She grilled slamming her fist against the countertop. The distant sounds of police sirens made you feel worthless.

Noah screamed again as the sirens became louder. You had lost the game. Rachel had won. All you could do was confess. Confess or die.

"Why don't you just fucking answer me coward"!
Rachel shrieked going completely insane.

Noah screamed once again finally catching her attention.

"What the fuck do you want"!
Rachel replied angrily as she noticed the loud sirens and flashing lights quickly approaching the house.

"Oh shit".
She panicked. She hastily ran out of the kitchen leading Noah up the stairs.

You heard the sound of car doors opening and closing. The obstreperous sirens were almost comforting. You finally felt hope.

"Help! I'm in here"!
You cried with tears of joy while Rachel and Noah scattered around upstairs.

"Detroit Police"!
You heard a familiar voice scream as the front door suddenly broke.

"They're upstairs"!
You screamed as a team of officers trampled up the steps leaving one person behind. The figure stood in the kitchen entrance for a moment with shaking hands.

"Y/N oh my god".
He cried running over to you scooping you into his arms.

You sobbed as he kept his arms wrapped around you. You heard his sobs against your neck as he squeezed you tight against his body.

Your bliss suddenly turned to fear as the pain in your arm grew more intense while everything around you faded to black.

A/N: oof

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