Crossing the Line

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7:23 pm Thursday January 13th
(There is a 3 hour time difference between Michigan and Hawaii in case any of you were wondering)

You breathed in the thick hot air as you stepped out of the plane, slipping off your jacket and wrapping it around your waist.
The sun had already set but it was still quite hot outside, definitely warmer than Detroit.

The 4 of you hopped on an autonomous shuttle bus which took you straight to the hotel. Unsurprisingly, Gavin ignored you the whole way there.


"Y/N, you and Connor go check in first, make sure you look like a couple or whatever".
Hank suggested once you arrived at the hotel.

"Will do".
Connor grabbed your hand interlocking his fingers with yours walking you inside to the front desk.

Connor was such a gentleman, kind, sweet, caring, he made a perfect fake husband.

The 2 of you checked in and hurried off to your room. The honeymoon suite was on the 9th floor, Hank and Gavin were just a few rooms down the hall from yours.

Your jaw dropped in amazement when you entered your room. A massive king size bed with a balcony that looked out to the ocean.

"Fowler sure scored us a great room"!
You laughed as you rolled your suitcases inside.

"Temperatures here are much higher than Detroit, have you brought a change of clothes"?
Connor asked closing the door behind him.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna get changed into something lighter".
You threw open your suitcase and pulled out a light yellow sundress running into the bathroom to get changed.

It wasn't to late, maybe you and Connor could scope out the hotel, see what it had to over. Tonight was a free night for the 4 of you to relax, tomorrow you had to start the mission, you didn't want to waste any time dilly-dallying.

"What do you think"?
You spun in a circle showing your outfit to Connor.

"You look stunning".
Connor complimented as he took a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Oh stop it".
You taunted and flipped your hair like a model.

"Can I ask you something"?
Connor asked as you took a seat beside him on the bed.

You answered.

"Have I negatively impacted your relationship with detective Reed"?
Connor asked apprehensively.

"Oh no of course not"!
You assured him.

"Your stress levels are rising".
Connor pointed out.

"Oh uh".
You laughed stiffly.

"You know, speaking of Gavin, I need to go talk to him real quick".
You stood up quickly brushing your hair out of your face. Connor could clearly tell you were uncomfortable so he let the conversation drop.

"He's in room 908".
Connor smiled and you rushed out the door.

As soon as you left, you had absolutely no idea what you were doing. Were you just gonna go to his door and apologize? Maybe it was best to act casual, like you hadn't been trying to make him jealous all day.

You knocked on his door uncertainly impatiently waiting for it to swing open.

"Hey Gav".
You smiled once he opened the door but a small frown fell upon your lips when you noticed his face. A distraught look replaced his usual cocky smile, it was odd to see him like this.

"Why aren't you hanging with your new hubby".
He questioned you bluntly.

"I wanted to talk to you instead".
You grinned nervously hoping he'd be okay with your plans.

"I'm not in the mood".
Gavin pouted before attempting to shut the door on you.

"Gavin wait, why don't you come with me to get a drink".
You offered placing you hand on the door so it wouldn't shut.

"Why don't you go with Connor, you seem to like him a lot more than me".
Gavin grumbled. You really didn't know what to do at this point, you were digging yourself into a hole which got deeper and deeper by the second.

"Look Gavin I just wanna".
"I don't want to hear your bitching"
Gavin interrupted you.

You scoffed clearly offended.

"The love of your life I waiting for you, why don't you leave me alone".
He grimaced.

"Gavin I don't love Connor and he doesn't love me, it's for the mission and you know that"!
You whispered but he wasn't buying it.

"But it's not just for the mission".
He glared at you.

"Don't lie to me Y/N, you're like madly in love with him or some shit".
Gavin continued. He was building a wall between you again. That soft side of him you loved to see was fading faster and faster, you couldn't lose it.

"Gavin it's not like that, he means nothing to me"!
You choked as tears filled your eyes.

"They always say that".
Gavin mumbled under his breath.

"Gavin, what are you".
You started but Gavin cut you off.
"Just fuck off Rachel"!
He screamed in your face.


Gavin's face turned red when he realized what he said.
"Just leave".
Gavin croaked slamming the door in your face.

You stood in the hallway for a minute completely idol. You couldn't believe what you had just done, you were reminding him of his ex Girlfriend.

This was all to real, to insane. What started off as revenge manifested into something so much worse.

You wanted to knock again, you wanted to break down that door and throw yourself into his arms.

You raised your hand to knock but you stopped yourself. That wouldn't help, nothing would help at this point. You felt weak and uneasy.

"Hey kid".
Hank caught your attention from a couple doors down.

"You alright? You look like you've just seen a ghost".
He joked but you didn't know how to respond.
You weren't about to tell him what just happened, it was so embarrassing.

"Oh I was just".
You stuttered pushing the hair out of your face as a single tear rolled down your face.

"Talking to Gavin".
You stifled.

"Ugh, can I help in any way"?
Hank scratched his head awkwardly.

"I could really use a drink right now".
You laughed wiping away the tears.

"I can certainly help with that".
Hank smiled and the 2 of you walked down to the bar.

A/N: uwu I love Gavin lol

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