Humble brag

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7:00 am
January 7th

Thank god it was Friday, you had the whole weekend to compose yourself after the events last night. You thought about apologizing but you really didn't know how.

"God I wish I wasn't so stupid".
You said aloud while you got ready for work. You wished you could turn back time and change the things you said, you were so ignorant, so dense, completely foolish, just a big stupid -


Your buzzing phone caught your attention snapping you out of your thoughts. You picked up your phone and read the notification. It was a text. A text from Gavin.

Last night was amazing, let's do it again sometime 😘

What the hell?

He surely wasn't talking about you, maybe it was a wrong number text? You watched in horror as the 3 little dots popped up on the left side of your screen.

Oops sorry, wrong person

He texted back and your heart sank a little as you placed your phone back on your nightstand ignoring the text entirely.

He, he was with another girl last night?

You suddenly felt sick, you felt your stomach sink, you felt like the world was spinning. There was a horrible feeling in your gut,
You felt, jealous? But why? You didn't like him right?

You thought he was just a jerk, didn't you? You clenched your fists in rage breathing slowly and trying your best not to punch something.

"Just breath".
You mumbled to yourself quickly getting dressed. You chose to wear a pair of light blue high waisted jeans paired with a plain white t-shirt and a long grey cardigan.

Just breath, it's gonna be fine, it's not even a big deal

You reassured yourself while you pulled your hair into a messy bun and grabbed a quick cup of coffee before running out to your car.

9:07 am

You noticed that Gavin was already there speaking to Fowler in his office when you arrived. As usual, Hank and Connor were yet to arrive.

You say down in your seat and logged onto your computer retrieving the data you needed regarding the case last night.

"Fowler wants us on parking duty again".
Gavin groaned as he approached you.

"Seriously? I've got these reports to type up, I can't"!
You sighed throwing your hands up in the air.

"The case files aren't due till next week, the interrogation doesn't even start till noon today,
you've got plenty of time".
He corrected you not even bothering to look you in the eye.

You replied, grabbing your things and making your way to his car. Things were still tense between you, after last night and the whole wrong person text this morning, you really thought your friendship couldn't get any worse.

You were completely silent for the duration of the drive practically ignoring Gavin. You were supposed to be there from 9:30 till 11:30 but you didn't want to make small talk. The 2 of you were silent up until 11:25 when Gavin decided to break the silence.

"Hey, sorry for the wrong number text this morning, I've got so many different girls numbers it's hard to keep track".
He pretended to apologize but it was quite obvious that he was just trying to get a rise out of you.

"Really? I mean I thought prostitutes were only  a one night thing but hey, whatever floats your boat".
You scowled keeping your eyes on your phone.

"Like I'd ever sink that low, clearly you've never seen me at a bar, I'm a total chick magnet, don't even know why".
He retaliated staring out the front window to view the snowy streets.

"I find that extremely hard to believe but I'll take your word for it".
You fired back, turning off your phone and placing it in your pocket.

"Well I'm not really the liar here am I".
He looked right at you, his perfect eyes locking with yours.

Holy shit he's hot

"You're the one who wanted to just be partners remember? I was just going along with it".
You crossed your arms your face growing hotter by the second.

"I still don't want to be friends with you".
He shot back his eyebrows knitting together in anger.

"I don't either! So why'd you invite me to dinner huh"?
You questioned him raising your voice slightly.

"Well I didn't expect you to look so fucking hot"!
Gavin's face turned bright red once he realized what just came out of his mouth.

"Shit, fuck, forget I said that okay".
He turned his head away from yours avoiding eye contact at all costs.

"Gavin I".
You stuttered blushing profusely.

"Forget it! Okay? I'm sorry, let's just get the fuck out of here".
He turned on the car driving fast towards the station. Your heart was beating so fast you were worried it might explode.

You wanted to say something so bad but the right words just wouldn't come out.

Say something dammit!

But it was to late. When you arrived at the station Gavin walked straight to the interrogation room ignoring you the whole time.

Just partners // Gavin Reed x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now