Tied Down

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Trigger warning: kidnapping, torture use of drugs.

??? Maybe Monday??? January

Rachel and Noah had been gone for a considerable amount of time, you wondered if they'd ever return. You managed to wiggle the towel out of your mouth but there was no point in screaming, no one was around to hear it.

You'd been on the floor for hours and you hadn't heard a single car pass by. Only the deafening reverberation of machinery outside and the faint taunting wails of police sirens in the distance.

As much as you wanted to give up, you weren't about to betray the DPD. You had only been working there for 2 weeks but it already felt like home.

You also figured Amanda would benefit if you were to confess. She'd get exactly what she wanted and you weren't going to let that happen.

"We're back"!
Rachel sung as she daintily pushed open the front door. You watched her and Noah saunter in with their arms filled with shopping bags.

"We did a little shopping".
Rachel beamed while she plopped a few bags onto the countertop.

Why the fuck did she go shopping?

"And guess who payed for it all"!
She winked holding up a credit card in her hand.

What the fuck? That's my card!

"You see, I kinda snuck in to your room after you fell unconscious. I thought if any detective comes to look for you they'll most likely check your card records, and by the looks of it, you've been all over town"!
She chuckled as Noah passed Rachel a black duffel bag that she dropped down by your feet.

"No ones gonna save you sweetheart".
She taunted as she slowly unzipped the bag.

"How'd you get the towel off"?
She inquired while she placed various weapons by your feet.

"You tie terrible knots".
You retorted and Rachel just laughed.

"Whatever, you better start talking".
Rachel simpered as she sifted through the pile of weapons.

"I'll never tell you anything".
You whimpered piteously.

"Well, we're gonna make you talk".
She growled as she gripped onto a taser.

"Oh this will be fun".
She flicked her hair back as she activated the weapons.

She demanded as she slowly moved the taser towards your arm.

You cried as the electricity zapped your skin.

Rachel had the taser pressed abasing you for a few seconds while you shook in unimaginable pain.

"We just wanna know a few simple passwords okay"?
Rachel explained in a rather soothing tone as she finally let you rest.

"Now all you have to do is tell us and we won't hurt you again".
She prodded but you kept your mouth shut.
Before Rachel was able to shock you again, there was a loud knock on the door.

"He's here".
Noah announced and Rachel let out a sigh of relief.

"Let him in".
She murmured tossing the taser back in the bag. Noah promptly opened the door and a scruffy looking man entered the house.

"I got what you asked for".
The man mumbled unzipping his backpack and removing a plastic bag which contained an assortment of needles.

"And I better get my double pay, I don't like making house visits ".
He instructed as he handed Rachel the bag.

"Of course".
Noah nodded as he pulled out his wallet.

"Thank you kindly, Todd is it"?
Rachel smiled horribly while Noah counted out the cash.

"Yeah yeah, now where's my money".
He grumbled angrily as he swung the backpack over his shoulder.

"Here you are".
Noah stated as he handed Todd the bills.

"Look, try not to kill her alright? I don't wanna be involved in some fucked up murder".
He suggested rudely while Rachel unpacked the needles.

"We just need her to talk".
Rachel informed him as she walked over to you with a needle in hand.

"That shits strong, don't fuck it up".
Todd advised as Rachel bent down and grasped your arm.

"You're not gonna get away with this"!
You shouted in fear but the 3 of them just laughed.

"You've been kidnapped by an android, those plastic shits can get away with anything".
Todd insulted but you saw his expression change.

Todd finished with a dull look on his face as he quickly scrambled out of the house.

"I hope this shit works fast".
Rachel mumbled to Noah as she injected you with whatever was in that needle.

You felt fine at first, the drugs hadn't kicked in yet. Rachel and Noah walked around impatiently occasionally asking you questions to which you ignored.

"Why is this taking so fucking long"!
Rachel threw her hands up in the air while she paced around the kitchen.

Eventually, the drugs started to kick in. You began to feel loopy and you couldn't quite form proper sentences.

"What the fuck, she can barely fucking talk"!
Rachel screamed as she watched you lean your back against the cabinet door.

"Todd did say it was strong".
Noah reminded but Rachel was furious.

"Talk you stupid bitch"!
She shouted in your face but you didn't respond.

You felt numb and tingly, your arms and legs felt as if they weren't even there. Your body was cold and you couldn't quite understand what was happening.

"Okay I'll talk".
You slurred and Rachel's eyes lit up.

"Okay uh, what's the password to your computer".
She grinned eagerly while you remained slouched against the cabinet doors.

"I'll tell you, come a bit closer".
You whispered and Rachel leaned in beside you.

"Fuck you".
You whispered before breaking into a laughing fit.

"Oh fuck me"!
Rachel stood up and grabbed Noah by the arm.

"Do something"!
She screamed at him but Noah stood motionless in front of you.

"I'm afraid I can't do anything at this point, she's to far gone".
He enlightened as you continued to laugh.

"Well fuck, I hope this shit wears off soon".
She groaned taking a knee beside you.

As the hours went by, Rachel continued to interrogate you. But, as Noah had already made clear, you were to far gone.

You were far to loopy to answer the most basic of questions, there was no way Rachel was getting any information from you.

She eventually gave up and her and Noah disappeared once again leaving you stranded in the abandoned house.

It took a few hours for the drug to wear down to the point where you were finally aware of your surroundings.

You felt sore and tired. You just wanted to go home. You missed Gavin, Connor, the station, you just wanted out.

You prayed they'd find you soon, you didn't know how much longer you'd last.

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