Chapter 4

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"Shit, grab what you can." Camila breathes out, grabbing a bag and filling it with weapons and other items. "We have to leave."

"Leave?" Lauren frowned.

Running a hand through her hair, Camila takes a deep breath. "That's the alarm signalling that walkers have breached the walls."

"I thought they couldn't get in here." Lauren said, bending down and pulling the duffle bag out from under her bed.

"This place was designed to keep people in... not out." Camila explained. "It's a prison."

"Oh." Lauren opened the bag and began packing what little things she actually had.

Packing up mainly necessities, Camila grabs her sword and two guns. "Laur, I know you don't like guns, but I need you to take this." she says softly holding out a gun.

Lauren lifted her head, coming face to face with the gun. She leaned back. "Not a chance."

"God dammit Lauren, take the gun or these things will kill you." the younger girl snaps out.

Lauren flinched, she grabbed the gun from Camila's hand and dropped it on the floor beside herself.

Closing her eyes, Camila takes a deep breath. "Pick it up."

"Can I finish packing?" Lauren asked, putting some clothes in her duffle bag.

"We don't have time Lauren, we have to go." the younger girl responds.

"You said pack my clothes and that's what I'm doing." Lauren responded, throwing pants and underwear into the duffle bag.

Rolling her eyes, Camila keeps her eyes on the cell door.

Lauren packed the rest of her clothes and closed her bag. She lifted the bag and the gun and stood up. "Happy now?"

The younger doesn't speak, pulling her hood up and her bandana over her mouth before making her way out of the cell.

Lauren rolled her eyes and followed Camila out of the room.

By the time they got outside they could see the hordes of walkers flooding through different areas of the prison, there had to be thousands of them.

"Get to a car, I'll be right behind you." Camila calls out to Lauren..

Lauren ran towards the closest car.

Ally, Dinah, Normani, and a weak Clarke were in the car.

Lauren climbed in and threw her bag in the back.

She jumped when Lexa appeared in the car beside her.


It wasn't long before they reached the place where they first stayed before getting to the prison.

Camila was sitting in front of the glass, tears streaming down her cheeks yet hidden by the bandana.

Lauren ran her fingers through her hair as she walked up to Camila. She put the gun down beside her. "I actually didn't need it."

The brown eyed girl doesn't respond, staring out the window.

"Camila, I need your help over here!" Abby calls out from where she was taking care of Clarke.

Camila turned her head away from the window. She got up and made her way over to Abby.

Clarke was writhing on the ground in pain as Abby tried to get the bullet from her arm.

"Hold her still, please." Abby asked.

Nodding, Camila gently holds Clarke still, blood now covering her hands.

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