Chapter 13

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Two years later.

Camila sighed, running a hand through her hair, she couldn't believe how much has happened in the past two years.

"We have to keep moving." She says softly, watching as Luca and Jack lower Liam's body into the ground.

They had been on the run ever since the ship stopped running two years ago, getting back on land somewhere in Maryland.

"Come on Al," Camila says softly, pulling Ally into her arms.

They had lost many over the past two years, but Liam was one of the hardest, leaving behind two kids.

Ally pulled away from Camila. "I just lost my boyfriend, give me time to grieve!" She snapped.

"Ally, we have to keep moving. It's getting dark, think about your kids." Camila says calmly.

Ally glared at Camila. "What if it was Lauren or Clarke or Normani or Dinah or Lexa?"

"I would be heartbroken, but I would also want to keep my kids safe." The younger girl responds.

Ally turned her head to look at Liam's body.

Luca and Jack were gently covering him with dirt, sad expressions on their faces.

Tears filled Ally's eyes.

"Come here." Camila said softly, pulling Ally into her arms, rubbing her back gently.

Leo was asleep in Lexa's arms, he had been sick on and off for the past two weeks. "Mommy," the little boy whines, slowly waking up.

"Shh." Lexa cooed, adjusting Leo in her arms.

"Walkers!" Octavia yells, taking out her knife.

Flinching, Leo gripped onto Lexa's shirt and burst into tears.

Eliza curled into Quinn and Blake curled into Sam.

"Ally, grab Ryder and Lydia, get in the car." Camila says softly.

Ally wiped her eyes and pulled away from Camila, taking her kids' hands and climbing into the car.

Having everyone else with kids climb into the car, Camila begins taking out walkers.

"I have to help." Sam said.

Quinn shakes her head and grips onto him. "No, I can't lose you."

"You won't lose me." Sam said softly. "I have to help Camila."

"No, stay with me." Quinn begs, holding him and Eliza close.

"Quinn, Camila needs help. I'll be okay." Sam said.

Raven and Octavia were helping Camila take out walkers, Jack not to far from them.

"She's got help." Quinn gripped onto Sam tighter.

"Jack!" Everyone hears just as Jack is taken down by five walkers.

"Jack!" Camila yelled.

It wasn't long before the walkers were taken care of, Camila moved over to Jack and took a deep breath before stabbing her sword between his eyes.

"God, these walkers are a nightmare." Octavia muttered.

Camila doesn't respond, her shoulders slumped and shaking slightly. It was getting harder and harder for her to lead them, knowing they were dying because of her.

"Camila, we should go." Raven said.

"I'll walk." Camila breathes out, taking off down the road.

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