Chapter 16

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Two years later.

It had been two years since Camila left the prison, Octavia joining her on the journey. They had traveled for a long time before deciding to head home.

"Bellamy, wake up." Camila says softly, gently waking the sleeping one and a half year old.

The little boy rolled over, his eyes fluttering.

Smiling softly, Camila runs a hand through Bellamy's pitch black hair. "Hi baby, lets wake mommy."

Bellamy reached for her hand, he didn't talk a lot.

Lifting him up, Camila moves over to where the bed of blankets and a few pillows was. "O, wake up." She calls softly.

Octavia didn't respond, she shifted slightly.

"Bell, wake mommy." Camila says softly, putting the little boy down on the blankets.

Bellamy looked at Camila for a moment before turning to Octavia. "Roar!" He imitated the noises of a baby lion - his favorite animal - learning to roar as he jumped on Octavia gently.

A smile tugged at Octavia's lips, signaling she was awake but she kept her eyes closed, pretending to be asleep.

"Roar!" Bellamy laid down on his stomach on top of Octavia.

Camila watched with a fond smile, her heart skipping beats in her chest.

Suddenly, Octavia sits up, holding onto Bellamy and begins tickling him.

Bellamy squealed, trying to stop her hands. His eyes were squeezed shut as he laughed.

After a few minutes, Octavia released him and he quickly ran toward Camila, holding his arms up.

Smiling, Camila lifts him up before leaning down and gently kissing Octavia. "The others are ready to leave." She says softly, referring to the survivors they had found.

Octavia stretched out her arms. "I'm not."

"And why's that?" Camila asks teasingly, running her free hand through Octavia's slightly shorter hair.

"Cause I'm still sleepy." Octavia yawned.

Smiling, Camila shifts a now half-awake Bellamy on her hip. "You can sleep on the way there, you and Bell both will."

"Where are we going again?" Octavia whined.

"Home." The brown eyed girl responds, helping Octavia up. "We aren't too far now."

Octavia looked at Camila tiredly. "Give me ten minutes."

Nodding, Camila leans in and kisses her gently before leaving the room.


"They're coming today, shouldn't we prepare the other girls?" Ally asks shifting Lindsey on her hip.

"I don't want to tell the other girls because of the way Camila left them." Abby said calmly.

Sighing, Ally runs a hand through her hair, smiling appreciatively when Andrew takes Lindsey and leaves the room. "They're going to be more hurt when Camila arrives with Octavia and their son."

"Probably. But Camila doesn't know what they've been through." Abby said with a heavy sigh. She glanced at Zachary who was so engrossed in his novel that he didn't hear the conversation between the two adults.

"I know, believe me." Ally says softly, running a hand through her hair. "But we can't just ambush them with this, Clarke is finally happy again. Her, Lexa, and Lauren being together and Dinah being with Mani again."

"I don't want Clarke to go down the wrong path again and telling her might just speed up the inevitable." Abby said. "I can't watch her try anything again."

Sighing, Ally takes a deep breath. "And not telling her might cause that to happen too." She says before leaving.


Camila smiles upon seeing Octavia and Bellamy curled up together in the backseat, both asleep.

"O, we're home." She calls softly, pulling her car through the gates, followed by two more cars full of survivors.

"Huh?" Octavia hummed, pulling the blanket over her face.

"We're home," Camila responds softly, pulling the car to a stop.

Octavia shook her head. She slowly opened her eyes and pulled the blanket down.

Getting out of the car, Camila moved to the back and took Bellamy into her arms, smiling as the one year old remained asleep. "Come here." She says softly, holding her hand out to Octavia.

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