Chapter 6

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Two months later

Lauren stared down at the test in her hands, tears in her eyes. She was pregnant and she didn't even know if Camila was still alive.

She bit her lip and threw the test angrily at the wall. How could she have been so stupid?

"Open the gates!" Rick yells, catching her attention and causing her to rush downstairs with Lexa and Normani.

Lauren stopped beside Lexa and Normani. "Are they back?"

"I don't know." Normani breathes out, watching as the gates open painfully slow.

"I hope so." Lauren sighed.

Ally steps up beside them, hope filling her chest. "Please let him be okay." The blonde breathes out.

A motorcycle pulls passed the gates and only one person climbs off.

"Liam!" Ally ran up to him.

Wrapping his arms around her, Liam groans slightly in pain. "Hey Allycat."

"What took you so long?" Ally asked.

Liam kisses her forehead and holds her close. "We had to deal with some things. I was sent to collect everyone."

"Sent?" Ally pulled back and glanced at Lexa, Normani, and Lauren.

Nodding his head, Liam rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah, they sent me to get everyone."

"What about them?" Ally nodded in the other girls direction.

Glancing toward them, he sighs before pulling Ally further away. "Something happened."

"What?" Ally asked worriedly.

Clearing his throat, Liam steps so his back is to the rest of the group except for Rick, Daryl, Michonne, Abby, and Ally. "We ran into a group, one that Camila's ran into before, they had her sister." Pausing he lifts his shirt to reveal his side which was stitched up. "We fought them and saved Sofia, but Dinah got injured pretty badly. We met a nice group that took us in and all we would have to do is work in the community." Dropping his shirt, Liam rubs the back of his neck. "Camila went on a supply run with some of the group members and was injured. The leader of the community Deanna told me to come and get everyone."

Ally took a deep breath. "You should tell them before we leave."

Nodding his head, Liam takes a deep breath and looks toward Rick. "We need to pack up and go now, it's a week long drive to Alexandria."

Ally nodded. "Let's get everyone ready."

It wasn't long before they were packed up and on the road, Liam having told everyone what had happened.

"Do you think they're okay?" Normani asks as she drives the car, following behind Maggie and Glenn.

"They'll be fine, they're tough." Lexa said uneasily as she held Clarke close. She'd had to act like she didn't love Camila and like they hadn't had sex before Camila left.

Taking a deep breath, Normani turned down the same road as everyone else. "Laur, how are Seth and Regina? Are they asleep?"

"Yeah." Lauren's voice cracked, she cleared her throat.

Swallowing thickly, Normani pushes a button on the car and chuckles as Fifth Harmony begins playing. "I guess this person loved our group." She says softly.

Lauren let out a laugh and shook her head. "Turn it off."

"Why? I love this song." Ally responds with a pout, beginning to sing her part in, 'He Like That'.

Lauren rolled her eyes and leaned back in the seat, closing her eyes.


"Hey, are you okay?" Ally asks Lauren, they were stopped for the night and the green eyed girl kept tossing and turning in the backseat.

Lauren shook her head. "I can't sleep."

"What's on your mind?" The older girl asks softly.

"Nothing." Lauren shook her head again.

"Then what's keeping you up?" Ally asks, shifting in her seat.

"I don't know." Lauren muttered. "I guess I'm confused."

Ally frowns and faces Lauren. "Confused about what?"

"If Camila still really loves me." Lauren admitted. "She told me she loves Lexa."

Running a hand through her hair,  Ally takes a deep breath. "Oh, wow. Um, did she say she loves you?"

Lauren shrugged. "I can't remember."

"She was with you when she said goodbye, remember that." Ally says with a shrug, neither girl knew that she slept with Lexa first.

"Yeah, but does that really mean she loves me." Lauren mumbled.

"We'll just have to wait until you see her again." Ally responds softly.

"I guess." Lauren shifted in her seat and huffed.

Three days later.

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