Chapter 30

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A week later

Camila sighs softly when Elsie wakes up and releases a soft cry, it was going on two in the morning and she was exhausted. Shifting in the bed, she pulls Octavia closer and prays that Elsie will go back to sleep.

Octavia's eyes fluttered in her sleep as she shifted on the bed.

Elsie continues to softly cry, kicking her feet in the crib.

Sighing heavily, Camila got up out of the bed and made her way to the crib.

The tiny baby immediately relaxes and stares up at Camila, cooing softly.

"Hello." Camila smiled softly. She reached her hand in and gently rubbed the little girl's cheek. "It's late now. Go back to sleep."

Squirming, the baby releases a soft grunt and kicks her feet.

"Sleepy time." Camila said softly. "Close your eyes and fall asleep."

Whining, the baby kicks her feet again, her bottom lip pouting out.

"Don't give me that look." Camila said. "It's late. Now go back to sleep. I don't have the energy to play."

A soft cry escapes Elsie and she continues pouting up at Camila, wanting to lay on her chest.

Sighing, Camila lifted the little girl into her arms.

The baby immediately relaxes and curls into Camila's chest.

Camila lay down on the bed and rested her daughter on her chest. She closed her eyes and drifted back off to sleep.

Elsie immediately falls asleep, her head turned to the side and her arms resting against Camila's shoulders.

Camila fell back into a peaceful sleep.


Autumn was sitting on the couch, waiting for Camila to come over. "Where is she, mommy?" she asks looking at Lauren.

Lauren shrugged. "I don't know, princess. Why don't we call her?" She suggested.

Nodding her head, the little girl moves over to Lauren.

Lauren picked up her phone and dialled Camila's number.

The phone rang for a few minutes before Camila answered. "Hello?" she asks tiredly.

"Where are you? Your daughter is waiting for you." Lauren said calmly.

"I'm sorry Laur, I was up and down all night with Elsie, let me shower and I'll be there." Camila responds softly.

Lauren sighed. "It's going to be too late when you get here. It'll almost be her bedtime."

"Laur, it's only three, I'll be there in ten or fifteen minutes." Camila responds softly before hanging up the phone.

Autumn looks up at Lauren sadly. "Her not comin?"

Lauren looked at the clock. "Three?" She frowned. "Our clock must have stopped." She mumbled. "Fine." She looked up at Autumn. "Yes, honey. She's coming. Go get ready."

Getting up, Autumn makes her way to her room.

Lauren ran her fingers through her hair and placed the phone down on the counter.

By the time Camila arrived, Autumn was ready to go and was quietly drawing in her book.

Lauren was watching her daughter from across the room with a concerned frown on her face.

"Hey, is she ready?" Camila asks softly, stopping beside Lauren.

Lauren nodded slowly. "Don't ever forget about her again."

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