Chapter 18

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Three months later

"Are you sure you're okay?" Camila asks Octavia worriedly, they had just found out the older girl was going on four months pregnant.

"I'll be fine, stop worrying." Octavia shook her head.

"What if it happens again?" Camila frowned.

"Then it happens again." Octavia shrugged. "I'll get through it the same way I did it the first time."

"How can you be so laid back about this?" Camila ran her fingers through her hair.

"Because I'll get through it... we'll get through it." Octavia said calmly.

Taking a deep breath, Camila pulled Octavia closer and buried her face in her neck. "I can't lose you."

"What have I told you? You won't lose me." Octavia kissed Camila's head.

Relaxing, the younger girl closes her eyes, not realizing the other girl's had come into the infirmary to find Abby.

"We'll get through it." Octavia whispered.

Nodding, Camila pulls away and looks into her eyes. "We're having another baby."

"Well, thank you captain obvious." Octavia giggled. "But, yeah.... we are having another baby."

Narrowing her eyes, Camila leans in and captures Octavia's lips in a slow and passionate kiss.

Octavia cupped the back of Camila's neck with her left hand, tangling her right hand in Camila's long brown hair.

After a few minutes, Camila pulls away and looks into Octavia's eyes, slowly catching her breath. "I want you."

Octavia shook her head and took a small step back. "I don't want to risk it."

Nodding her head in understanding, Camila pulls Octavia back into her arms. "I'm going on a supply run."

"You're leaving me alone, again?" Octavia but her lip. She didn't like being on her own.

Biting her lip, Camila slowly nods her head. "For about a week or two, they need quick people that can find what is needed."

Octavia bit down harder on her lip and nodded, looking down at her feet.

Lifting her head, Camila caresses her cheek. "Hey, I'll come right back, Jason's going with me." She mentions.

Octavia nodded. "I guess I'll hang out with Quinn then."

Kissing her gently, Camila takes a deep breath. "I love you."

"I love you too." Octavia leaning into her touch.

"Cami!" Quinn ran into the room. "Sam's leaving." She was really upset and panicked.

Shifting slightly, Camila holds Octavia close and holds her free arm out to Quinn. "What do you mean?"

"He's leaving. Going somewhere." Quinn's breathing was heavy.

Holding the blonde close, Camila kisses her forehead. "Did you ask him?"

"He said something about a supply run but what if he doesn't come back." Quinn sniffed.

Frowning, Camila leans back and looks into Quinn's eyes. "Think positive, I'll talk to him."

"Positive? He might not come back." Quinn shook her head.

Camila pulls away from both Quinn and Octavia. "I'll be back." she says before leaving to find Sam.

Quinn and Octavia shared a look before watching Camila leave.

"Mommy!" Bellamy yells from Abby's arms.

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