Chapter 19

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A month later.

"Do you want me to take her?" Camila asks softly, running a hand through Octavia's hair.

Octavia shook her head as she looked down at her tiny daughter. "No. It's okay."

"We need a name for her." Camila mumbles softly, glancing toward a sleeping Bellamy.

Octavia nodded. "Yeah."

"What do you think of Zariah?" The younger girl asks softly.

Octavia wrinkled up her nose and shook her head. "No. I like Kadence."

"Kadence Hartley." Camila says softly, reaching out and gently running a finger down the little girl's cheek.

Bright blue eyes flutter open and the little girl releases a soft whine before turning her face toward Camila's finger and opening her mouth.

"You woke her up." Octavia frowned.

Frowning, Camila bites her lip and looks down. "I didn't mean to." She whispers.

Kadence sneezes softly and lets out a soft coo before turning her head toward Octavia's chest and nuzzling it.

Octavia bit her lip and looked down at Kadence. "Can you make the baby milk?" She asked. "I think she's hungry."

Nodding, Camila leaves the room for a few minutes before returning with a bottle.

"Thanks." Octavia took the bottle from Camila and guided it to Kadence's mouth.

Quickly, the one month old latched onto the bottle, her eyes fluttering shut as she took it. Her tiny hands were gripping onto Octavia's thumb and pinky.

"She's so tiny." Camila mumbles softly.

Octavia nodded. "She's small because of me."

"What do you mean?" Camila asks, tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"It's my fault that she's small." Octavia mumbled.

Lifting Octavia's head, Camila looks into her eyes and caresses her cheek. "No it's not."

"How is it not?" Octavia said.

"Because it's not like you forced yourself to go into early labor." The younger girl responds, kissing Octavia gently.

Octavia kissed her back before pulling away. "If only I could put on some weight."

"We are dealing with a food shortage baby, I was supposed to be getting us more and I failed." Camila whispers, looking into Octavia's eyes.

Octavia sighed. "You didn't fail."

"Mama," Bellamy mumbles tiredly, slowly sitting up and reaching for Camila.

"Hey." Camila lifted Bellamy up. "Did you enjoy your nap?"

Nodding his head, Bellamy rubs at his eyes and curls into Camila. "Hungry."

"Okay, Buddy. I'll make you a sandwich." Camila kissed his head.

Octavia couldn't help but look at her son and think about how much he looked like her brother. It had been almost four years since he died, maybe even more.

"An' juice?" Bellamy asked, leaning his head back to look up at Camila.

"And juice." Camila smiled, she's ruffled Bellamy's hair.

Grinning the little boy turns his attention back toward Octavia. "Who that?" He asks pointing toward Kadence.

The one month old was half awake, still lightly sucking on the bottle.

"This is your little sister. Kadence." Octavia said softly.

"Oh." Was all the two year old mumbled before curling into Camila once more.

Kadence suddenly let out a soft cry around her bottle, lightly kicking her feet.

Octavia pulled the bottle away, lifting Kadence up and burping her over her shoulder.

The baby didn't burp, instead, she fell asleep- her head on Octavia's shoulder.

Octavia pulled the baby away and put her in her bassinet.

"Do you want me to bring you back something?" Camila asks softly, shifting Bellamy on her hip.

Octavia shook her head. "I'm not hungry. I think I'll take a nap."

"Okay, we'll be back soon." Camila said softly, leaning down and kissing her gently.

Octavia kissed her back. She pulled away after a few minutes and smiled softly.

Sending her a soft smile, Camila turned and carried Bellamy out of the room.

As she walked down the hall, she felt someone walk up behind her. "What is it?" She asks, realizing Lexa is behind her.

"How is Octavia?" Lexa asked softly.

Shifting Bellamy to her other hip, Camila sighs softly. "She's doing fine, a little tired but fine."

"That's good. And you? How have you been?" Lexa asked.

"Do you really care?" Camila asks in response.

"I'm just asking. Abby sent me. Quinn went into labor and Sam's out to get food." Lexa said.

"Should've known you didn't actually care." Camila mumbles, stopping in front of Arizona. "Can you feed him? He wants a sandwich and juice."

"Sure." Arizona took Bellamy into her arms.

Bellamy immediately smiled. "Zona!"

"Hey, bud." Arizona ruffled his hair.

With her son distracted, Camila turned and began walking toward the infirmary, Lexa still following her.

"Why are you following me?" Camila stopped suddenly.

Biting her lip, Lexa runs a hand through her hair. "I lied, Quinn isn't in labor. I just, the kids wanted to spend time with you."

Camila narrowed her eyes. "So you stopped me from making my son some food and spending time with him."

"What about your other kids? You've barely spent any time with them." The older girl responds.

"Because I was in the infirmary and my fiancé just had a baby." Camila said.

Shaking her head, Lexa runs a hand through her hair. "Even before that."

"Maybe I was busy being on the council and trying to keep them safe, keep everyone safe." Camila said.

"And then you left us, you left all of us." Lexa responds softly.

"You didn't want me." Camila said. "None of you wanted me."

Shaking her head, Lexa takes a deep breath and steps closer, caressing Camila's cheek. "I've always wanted you."

Camila pulled away from Lexa's hand. "You didn't say anything." She turned and walked away.

"Because I thought you hated me!" Lexa calls after her, tears filling her eyes.

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