Chapter 15

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Camila watched Ally silently, standing behind an abandoned car.

"I know you're there Camila." Ally said. "Stop following me."

Rolling her eyes, Camila stands up and moves over to Ally. "You didn't take a weapon."

"I don't need one." Ally spat. "There aren't any walkers."

"Really?" Camila asks before turning Ally around and pointing at a group of five walkers not to far from them.

"They aren't right beside me, plus I can run, they can't." Ally stated.

Nodding, Camila shifts Ally again toward another group of walkers that were even closer to them.

"What ever, Camila, will you just leave me the fuck alone." Ally yelled before storming off.

Sighing, Camila let her go, only to pull out her sword as a walker began to move at a faster pace than usual for them.

Camila stared at the walker for a moment, studying it.

It shouldn't be able to move that fast, none have ever moved that fast.

Camila narrowed her eyes at the walker before deciding it was too close and killing it.

Turning, she follows behind Ally once more.


"Where'd Camila go?" Clarke asked, looking around. "Everyone is ready to go."

Raven frowned and limped over to Anya who was on watch. "Hey, have you seen where Camila went?"

"She followed Ally somewhere." Anya said with a shrug, unaware of what had happened between Camila and Ally.

Nodding, Raven quickly thanked Anya before limping back to Clarke, leaning against Octavia slightly. "She followed Ally somewhere."

Clarke looked down at her feet, sadness filling her. Tears welled up in the blonde's eyes and she nodded. "Oh," was all she could manage without breaking down.

Raven frowned, noticing the change in Clarke's demeanour. "What's wrong?"

Clarke simply shook her head.

Camila walked toward everyone with a very reluctant Ally by her side. "Clarke?" She asks softly, moving over to the blonde and lifting her head. "Hey, nothing happened. I promise."

Clarke snapped her head away. "Everyone's ready to go." She muttered under her breath before making her way over to the car she had been in the previous day. She climbed into the back and slumped against the back of the seat.

Frowning, Camila follows her and climbs in beside her, having signaled everyone to wait. "Talk to me."

"It's nothing." Clarke shook her head and curled up on the seat.

"It's something, please don't shut me out." The younger girl begs slightly, moving closer and lifting Clarke's head.

Clarke's eyes scanned Camila's face before she pulled away.

Hurt flashed across Camila's face before she took a deep breath. "Please talk to me."

Clarke's body shook as she sobbed into her knees.

Taking a deep breath, Camila gently pulls Clarke into her arms and onto her lap. "I'm sorry."

Clarke couldn't help but curl into Camila, sobbing violently.

Holding her close, Camila kisses her forehead. "I'm sorry."

Clarke sniffed and wiped her eyes but the tears didn't stop flowing.

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